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5 comments, last by maya18222 15 years, 6 months ago
Im using this function in my code to create dialog boxes, yet they only showup when i do a release build, in debug mode they dont show, and i get :-

@err,hr	0x00000714 The specified image file did not contain a resource section. 	unsigned long

any ideas why they would only be working in release? is there something i should be looking for in the project settings?

mhMediaLoadingDLG =	CreateDialog( mInstance,  L"test", mhApp, MediaLoadingProc);

INT_PTR CALLBACK MediaLoadingProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	return 0;

Is mInstance definitely valid?
Yes, windows right before and right after are made with the same mInstance, and there is the fact that it works in release mode.

Ive deleted both the debug and release folders, and rebuilt them both, but i get the same results.

Thanks for the suggestion though, any other ideas?
When you compile your relase build, do you get a message in the build window saying it's compiling resources? All I can think of is the resource file is somehow excluded from the release config.
Its works in release mode, it doesnt work in debug, so do you mean excluded from the debug build?

but wouldnt that throw errors as it wouldnt be able to find "test"
Quote:Original post by maya18222
Its works in release mode, it doesnt work in debug, so do you mean excluded from the debug build?

but wouldnt that throw errors as it wouldnt be able to find "test"
Err yes, sorry - brainfart [smile]

"Test" is just a string, it wouldn't cause any errors if the resources weren't being compiled in, the error would show up when you call a function that tries to access the resource segment of the EXE.
Ive spent ages on this, and cant come up with anything, does anyone have any suggestions? It must vae something to do with the project settings :(

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