How to apply texture to glutSolidCube

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1 comment, last by John_Idol 15 years, 5 months ago
Hi, I can find tutorials about mapping textures to polygons specifying vertices etc. but nothing regarding how to apply a texture to a cube (or other stuff) drawn with glut (glutSolidCube). So, my question is: Is there any way of mapping a texture to a solid cube (and other solids) when using glutSolidCube? Any help would be appreciated!
glutsolidcube doesnt supply texture coords thus its not possible (u could rig up a quasi working example with auto texture generation but thats most likely not what u want)

u will need to create a box model yourself with the desired texture coordinates
thanks for replying!
I am thinking to re-use the solidCube source-code adding glTexCoord's in order to have my texturizable solidCube.

Got the idea here:

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