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13 comments, last by MortusMaximus 15 years, 5 months ago
Hey Im grade 11 at a highschool, currently enrolled in a programming course- learning Java now, and a media arts course. I want to get into the programming stream to eventually become a developper. I have two possible schools to attend- University of Toronto for Computer science- or Vancouver Art institute which is a college. What route would any of you reccomend?
Go read Tom Sloper's FAQ #25.

Just replace the word "designer" with "programmer", and replace a few designer-specific topics with programmer-specific topics. He wrote two more FAQs on the subject, which are linked to at the bottom of the articles.
Oh ok thanks,

But do I need to go into university? Or is college acceptable.
VAI for Computer Science?

Anyways if not then UT for Computer Science. The only game oriented school that seems pretty nice is Digipen.

My 2 cents.
Ya, is VAI good for CS? They run a video game programming course, which also includes the artistic aspects of game design
Get a CS degree. If the games thing doesn't work out, or you don't like it, you can go get a nicely paid business/gov't programming job.
I dont really know which has a better CS course, if even VAI has a CS course I implied as it didnt, correct me if im wrong.

Call the schools, check there sites,brochures/papers,the classes you would be taking(curriculum is it called? my main language is spanish), etc.

Then you could ask here for more info on which is better by the classes you would be taking,etc.

For the game programming course if you can get it on the side and can afford it while you do your baschelor in CS id say its not bad or woudnt hurt, but focus on the CS degree, thats what gonna get you somewhere.
I'd recommend going for Computer Science of UofT. I don't know much about VAI, but I doubt it's better than UofT for CS.
Ok, thanks for the responses. As I mentioned I am learning Java now in highschool, so which language would you recommend I learn on the side? Im thinking of trying out those XNA tutorials in Visual C#.

What do you all recommend?
If you're thinking of coming to the west coast, SFU apparently has a pretty good CS program. Or you could go to UBC, which is where I'm going. Our CS department seems quite good here. :P

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