3ds max 2008 and panda for exporting xfile with animation

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-1 comments, last by akira32 15 years, 4 months ago
What should be thinked about when I export the 3d model with animation in 3ds max 2008? I made a 3d model with animation but when I export the model, the 3ds max 2008 will crash and appear the error message means an error occurs. If I rebind the skin and the bone, 3ds max 2008 will successfully export xfile. But after I save the max file and open the max file again and export the xfile with animation, the crash will still appear. So I think that there are something I miss before I export the xfile with animation by the panda exporter in 3ds max 208. Could somebody tell me what should be thinked over?
akira32 編程之家 Yahoohttp://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/akira32-akira32

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