SlimDX Questions

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9 comments, last by Tom 15 years, 3 months ago
First, we should totally have a separate thread forum for SlimDX. But anyways, the question is: there is no GraphicsStream in SlimDX and I noticed other things like this, gone? Is there some doc that says what is gone and what replaced it? Thanks, Devin
We call our version DataStream, because it is used for more than just graphics tasks.

I doubt there is sufficient volume to warrant a SlimDX forum, especially since many "SlimDX" issues end up being DX issues.
Great, thanks, is there a name table for things that have different names? By table I mean a translation table that shows what things changed to.

Not really, no. Starting a wiki page on the matter might not be a bad idea though. Wanna help us fill it in?
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Ya know, doing a complete switch might not be a bad idea with software, manuals and everything. Completely removed from DirectX, but a version that the people run, instead of a corperate agenda. Corperate agenda's don't always follow what's the best technology, but rather what is the best for the company. I probably don't have to tell you that of course but for reminders sake.

The question is this, can I use directx to make my own OS? Or am I under a software infringement? I have a super idea if not.
Is it safe to assume you mean, "can I make my own UI with DirectX to replace Windows' desktop?" because DirectX is a multimedia API that runs on top of Windows; you can't make an OS with it, or even run it on top of BIOS for that matter. In that case, yes, you can create a Windows UI replacement, though it will still run on top of the desktop. You can't replace the desktop without removing it from the OS and rebuilding another desktop API on top of the NT kernel. Pheraps this is becoming confusing, but that's rather the point. For an idea of how to build a clever intermediate desktop, google SphereXP. Such an endeavor can potentially work much smoother under Vista using the new desktop composition engine. I've considered this myself but have yet to find the time to pursue it.

EDIT: Wait, did you mean, "can I make my own OS and employ DirectX as a graphics API?" If that's the case, the answer is, probably not. While you may not run directly into any legal complications, you would have to rebuilt the NT kernel on which DirectX (and all Windows components) are built, and Microsoft might frown upon that sort of duplication of their technology, original or not. Of course you could send a letter to someone respectable at the company, and the response you'll like get is, "don't do it." Either way, this is a phenomenal endeavor. The Microsoft people responsible for building on and upgrading the NT kernel would likely be exhausted by the very idea. Think alone of the decisions that went into Direct2D: nobody wanted to hassle with upgrading GDI/GDI+ to support the GPU, so instead they made a new API that supports (partial) interop with GDI (surfaces).

If I'm still misinterpreting, let us know.

GDNet+. It's only $5 a month. You know you want it.

Ya know, doing a complete switch might not be a bad idea with software, manuals and everything. Completely removed from DirectX, but a version that the people run, instead of a corperate agenda. Corperate agenda's don't always follow what's the best technology, but rather what is the best for the company. I probably don't have to tell you that of course but for reminders sake.

I'm not sure what you mean here? Complete switch of... what? You mean you think we should support SlimDX delegating to rendering APIs that are not DirectX? That's kind of entirely beyond the scope of the project.
Sorry for the confusion. Tom I meant the second, could I use DirectX to create a new OS and use DirectX on it? But again I see that since DirectX is built on Windows that would be difficult.

I had thought of creating my own simple OS and using a DirectX compliant video system.

The building blocks are out there aren't they? But it might be easier to use virtualization technology and make it MS compliant?

jpetrie, I know SlimDX is a wrapper and that's what it is for to allow managed dx to continue and it works so why fix it. IU guess I was wishing for a separate 3D system that isn't OS dependant, a standard and compile language for all OS's. That doesn't require assembly to run, something higher level.

U guess I was wishing for a separate 3D system that isn't OS dependant, a standard and compile language for all OS's. That doesn't require assembly to run, something higher level.

You mean like OpenGL?

It doesn't run on "all" languages and "all" OS's, but there are implementations for pretty much anything you could want. Alternatively for higher level stuff, any rendering engine that uses GL on the backend as necessary (or does platform independent swapping) like Ogre does?
I think I just created an advanced GUI that is similar to the way windows works and I thought it might be cool to create a windows addition that is 3D. But not sure if it would sell cause of having windows running in the background, but maybe it would? Just as a new display engine that takes over for display only. Cause using the 3D and my GUI it can really look nice with a good artist and windows would look way cool that way. Not that it doesn't already but the advancements in the pixel shader and vertex algorythms I have seem to be a step forward.

Wow sure am glad SlimDX came around and saved us MDX guys! If there becomes a desire for the CustomVertices, I've almost finished them for backward compatibility anyways, I know there not exactly a star addition :) But if the need arises you know where to get them.

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