hi i need this

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10 comments, last by Ahmed Saleh 22 years, 11 months ago
i need the (Learn computer Game programming withe dx7) e-book i think the e-book on the cd plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i love Dx and c++ plz plz plz
um yes okay i completely understand *backs away slowly*
give me

Err... try a "search" "engine". By the way you usually have to buy books, unless you go to your local library. If you are wanting to pay for it, and can''t be bothered going to the local bookstore, then try amazon.com

Anyway, there are HEAPS of FREE tutorials on the web.

oh wait, how stupid of me. You said "i love Dx and c++" in your post. How remiss of me! The secret password!

* freshya whips out a bogus ftp adress which holds the secrets to the universe *

er.. (don''t) try here: 1432340.23402340235234.2340234.234500

(it has to be so long because the site contains lots of information)
I''m afraid I can''t get you that, but if you look at the forum FAQ you can get some links to DirectX websites with tutorials...
Why You Afraid?
plz plz plz plz
send me The book
at this
plz plz plz

This guy is hilarious... It must be a joke...
You said it, Impossible! Maybe it''s RodneyLDixon in disguise?

By the way, just look at this:

quote:original post by F_r_e_s_h

It is hard being a celebrity, believe me, but it would be a lot easier if there weren''t so many "impersonations" going around! I blame cloning and all that!

This one was good though, he even got the country of origin correct. Pity the name is a little off =)

quote:Original post by Ahmed Saleh
Why You Afraid?

I am not afraid. When I said ''I am afraid I can''t get you that'', I meant:
"I am sorry I cannot help you but at the moment I am not able to get you the book you requested as I have never heard of it and do not own it, nor am I likely to do so in the future."

Click the link at the top of the forum that says
''View Forum FAQ'' and read it.
hey freshya man im not trying to impersonate anyone ive been using this nick for 5 years now man. It''s just that iv''e only recently registered on gamedev. And I do live in Australia, Canberra actually.

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