UberNewbie Question

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2 comments, last by GriffonZ 22 years, 11 months ago
Ok...here is all I am trying to do...I am trying to write a very simple isometric view program...what im currently doing is just drawing a set of 10x10 quads(made of triangles) which is fine. where i guess things get confusing to me is this: when i rotate the viewing transformation to get a nice angled look this obviously rotates the world coord system ? how can camera movement be done on a program like this with these rotations etc? does this even make sense =P thanks griffonz
Camera movement can be done with rotations and translations but it is easier to use gluLookAt. I think that most OpenGL programmers thinks of roatations and translations affecting a local and not a world coord system. Some typical (pseudo) code:

drawQuads(); // in your example

// if you have some object you want to place in the world

for(eachObject) {
glTranslate(...); // move the object to the proper place
glRotate(...); // rotate around itself
theres no really need for gluLookAt();

If you use glTranslatef BEFORE glRotatef it can rotate around itself. If you use glTranslatef after glRotatef then it uses the world coordinates.
ok so...lets say I wanted to use gluLookAt..how do I come up with the 3 Vectors gluLookAt takes...I want the cam to be at a -45deg X and 45deg Y and to follow my player.. any ideas ?

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