Isometric tile format

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-1 comments, last by Cannon 22 years, 10 months ago
Just wondering what tile format people are using. I''m using 32X64 tiles with the upper row being completely transparent. Actually, I''m guessing that most people are using this format too. But lately I''ve been wondering why. I''ve been looking for ways to map the pixels of a square image to the pixels of an isometric tile of this format. Unfortunately, I have only found ways to map a 16x16 pixel image to the tiles. Is there a particular reason why this form of tile is so popular? Could is be because its symmetric shape (horizontally and vertically) makes it easier to create tiles? I''ve stumbled on something interesting that I thought I might share. The following linear transformation seems to map a 32x32 image into an isometric tile: |1 0.5| |-1 0.5| However the tile that results has its leftmost column transparent. It is neither symmetric horizontally or vertically, yet renders fine in an isometric engine. It also provides an algorithm to convert flat tiles to isometric tile (although there are many ways to do this already). Cheers

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