c++ dieing for game programming?

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49 comments, last by jpetrie 15 years ago
Hi all i'm rather new here and am just starting to teach myself C++. Well one of my teachers says that c++ is dieing and that even games are going to Java and c sharp (c# I believe?). Is this true or does she just have no idea what she's talking about? Thanks in advance! I wouldn't want to learn c++ to only find out its not going to be used anymore.
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Sigh she has no clue, disregard comment by teacher. Use what you want...
Not really, C and C++ will continue to be popular in game programming since it's important to have custom memory management on consoles/hand-helds. What your teacher is probably referring to is that there are more options now thanks to increases in computer speeds and new platforms like cell phones(BREW/Java), the Internet(Silverlight,Java,Flash) and more games using scripts(Python,Ruby,Lua).
Actually on the contrary, C++ is being developed even more. There is
C++0x coming out soon which is a developed version of C++. I don't believe that c++ will be dieing. Maybe as more companies are being created, c++ is sharing
its usage with java and C#
Our whole life is a opengl application.
In the commercial (PC and console) game industry? No, not at all; people even still use C and Assembly sometimes, and that's probably not going to change any time soon.

In the hobbyist game industry? Tools like Flash and C# have helped move some people away from C++, but even in the hobbyist sector, C++ remains a widely-used language (just take a look at some posts here on the forums).

Well I wouldn't be disheartened from learning C++ as there are plenty of real world applications for it - especially when it comes to options available to you when you're trying to save time and find a C++ library that you want to integrate into your C# or Java application.

A quick search on the forums for C# vs C++ will reveal that this is a pretty heated debate. Some prefer C++ purely from a personal perspective while others will recommend learning a higher level language.

In terms of games, a lot of hard work has gone into creating C++ code that acts as the foundation of a lot of modern games and no doubt that future focus on C++ will still be strong as a lot of the veterans will be C++ literate and just makes recruitment easier.
She's a retard. Pure and simple. It is funny that so many teachers are completely out of touch with the industry.

Java is only used on very specific mobile devices. C# is great for tools (level editors, model exporters, etc) but almost completely useless for any platform other than the PC. It's also far to slow and cumbersome to be used to any real degree there either (XNA specifically).

90-95% of games developers will use C++ to some degree in their build processes, even the game itself is written for a Java-based platform. Anyway, disregard everything she tells you (probably EVER).
Depending on your long-term goals and what you want to do, though, C/C++ may not be the right choice for your projects. For example, my projects don't require 3D or complex graphical effects, so I've been doing my development in Python with PyGame (which hooks up Python to SDL), and development goes much faster than it used to when I was using C++ and had to do my own memory management.

I'm not saying that C++ is a bad language, far from it. But if your main limiting resource is your own time, then you want to pick a language that does as much for you as possible, and C++ isn't that language.
Jetblade: an open-source 2D platforming game in the style of Metroid and Castlevania, with procedurally-generated levels
Quote:Hi all i'm rather new here and am just starting to teach myself C++. Well one of my teachers says that c++ is dieing and that even games are going to Java and c sharp (c# I believe?). Is this true or does she just have no idea what she's talking about? Thanks in advance! I wouldn't want to learn c++ to only find out its not going to be used anymore.

Not only is that wrong but it's obviously wrong. C# /Java (note, I consider them the same for the purpose of this post) does not replace C++. C++ is a natively compiled language while C#/Java is not, not to mention C++ gives you direct control over memory management. This gives C++ anywhere from a 3X to 10X speed advantage or even more in some cases. C#/Java is fine for some applications and even some games but it will always lag behind C++ for the foreseeable future for high end 3D games. How many high end games do you think are written in C#/Java. My guess is the number is relatively small.

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