Mathematics for programmers.

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5 comments, last by MGB 15 years ago
Hello all, I am a fairly good programmer, but my mathematics is terrible, namely algerbra. I was wondering if there is any good material geared at programmers for teaching algebra, most materials I have encountered so far assume an intermediate level of knowledge. Thanks in advance
The "for dummies" books are quite nice:). They are definitely easy enough for anyone to pick up, and they will lay enough ground work for you to be able to continue with the intermediate material after it.
I've heard good things about the Khan Academy, which has a whole bunch of videos on YouTube about Maths and Physics.

The Algrebra section (bottom of the leftmost column on that page), starts off simple with the first video "Linear Equations 1" explaining how to solve 5x = 20, and I assume goes through progressively more difficult problems.
+1 for the dummies series (make sure to get the workbooks with the book)

I much prefer these to traditional college mathbooks. The dummies series actually wants to TEACH the concepts, all college math books I've had (which were plenty) are simply out there to make money and the authors could care less if students understand their contents which is obvious by the way they are written.
Quote:Original post by henrym
I've heard good things about the Khan Academy, which has a whole bunch of videos on YouTube about Maths and Physics.

The Algrebra section (bottom of the leftmost column on that page), starts off simple with the first video "Linear Equations 1" explaining how to solve 5x = 20, and I assume goes through progressively more difficult problems.

I've recently discovered the Kham Academy videos on YouTube and they have been extremely helpful. The matrices stuff is good but too. Make sure you read some of the comments as a few mistakes are made sometimes, though they are often corrected with the OSD thing.
It's not programmer specific, but i really like Paul Dawkin's books. They are free for personal use. I took one down to the office supply store and had it printed and bound. Very well written. Teaches both the concepts and how to work through problems mechanically. It's more English than math, so that's good for the number-challenged like me.
I REALLY recommend Stroud's Engineering Mathematics.

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