beginner book

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4 comments, last by MrCpaw 14 years, 11 months ago
i am almost an absolute beginner to C++ and am looking for a book that will solidify my current knowledge and bring my level up to that of maybe an intermediate. can anyone please give me some good suggestions on what book i should buy. my eventual aim is to start creating my own 2D and then 3D games. to clarify my current level is that of doing simple calculators. so please if you can recommend a good book please do so :D

Game Development Tutorials - My new site that tries to teach LWJGL 3.0 and OpenGL to anyone willing to learn a little.

I would suggest C++ Primer Plus Fifth Edition, with over 1100 pages to keep you well informed! Once you have an understanding of all basic and as some advanced concepts (At least Classes, Pointers, References, New, and Delete), go and try out an API like SDL or Allegro. While you're learning C++ or whatever language you pick, remember a lot of people on this forum can help you whenever you run into trouble. Keep in mind learning C++ without any past programming experience will be a rocky road. I'm sure other posters will make some better suggestions for you. Just remember, when picking a language you should pick something you can work with easily to achieve your tasks. Unless you're planning on landing a job with C++ or you must use it, look around for higher level languages like C# and XNA, or a scripting language like Python which you can use Pygame for your games.

Best of luck!
thanks alot :D i will look into it.

Game Development Tutorials - My new site that tries to teach LWJGL 3.0 and OpenGL to anyone willing to learn a little.

I would suggest "Practical C++ programming" by Steve Oualline.
The book is great for both beginners and intermediate programmers.

The game teaches you the beginnings of programming. You learn what variables are and how to use if-statements, to more advanced topics such as pointers, classes and templates.

The reason I like this book so much is because it is well written (not as boring to read as most other books about C++). The second reason this book is a must in my opinion is because the book is full of questions (and answers which are given at the end of the chapter). Think of questions like "why does the following program crash: (code)". And at the end of every chapter there are a couple of exercises. An example of those is "write a program that converts miles per hour into kilometers per hour" or "write a program that takes hours and minutes and converts it to just minutes". Later in the book the excercises become more difficult ofcourse. This way the book actually makes you use the theory in practice (because real programming is learned by actually programming, not by reading a book).

The last reason this book is so great in my opinion is that it realy focusses on a good programming style. It teaches you to make your programs simple and easy to understand by using comments and to avoid using 'clever' programming.

Good luck!

Kind regards,
thanks for the time and effort for you guys to post i will look into both books
and thanks :D

Game Development Tutorials - My new site that tries to teach LWJGL 3.0 and OpenGL to anyone willing to learn a little.

robvleugel made a good suggestion. Keep in mind, you get better at programming by doing, not reading and reading all day long. Theory is worthless if you're unable to put it into practice successfully. Books that keep you making programs while reading are the best ones to buy. C++ Primer Plus has a series of programs to make per chapter that lets you test your knowledge for that chapter.

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