SWIG+Lua : Need help getting start.

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-1 comments, last by hima 14 years, 11 months ago
Hello everyone! I have been developing games for quite sometime and decided it's time for me to look into implementing scripting language into my game engine. I've been studying lua and luabind and it works great for me so far :D However, I've found a japanese game library I would like to wrap it and use it with lua. I have heard that SWIG should be a better option for this than exporting every single function in the library using luabind, so I decided to go with SWIG. However, I'm really confused by the documentation. I do not know how to start at all. I tried writing an interface file that only export the header file and I got a wrapper.c file. And I don't know what to do next. I've tried searching but no luck at all :( If it's going to be any help, here's the library I'm trying to wrap http://homepage2.nifty.com/natupaji/DxLib/DxLibMake2_25b.exe Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance :)

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