Harry Potter MMORPG

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11 comments, last by Tom Sloper 14 years, 9 months ago
Hi everybody, I have this really killer idea about making a Harry Potter MMORPG, but I have no idea who to pitch this idea to or how I might start developing it or anything. I have some awesome documents written up that explain how the game would work, but how do I get this bad boy developed, and how do I present it to Warner Brothers? Just a question, and others at this site might know better than me.
You and 10,000 other people. Unless you have a track record which proves you also have the ability to make your ideas reality (IE: You've shipped at least one major game) then I'm afraid you would just be wasting your time.

Well, unless you're the son of a billionaire with a few million spare to give to you, in which case you could hire someone with a track record of making ideas reality but even they you would likely have to relinquish creative control to those people instead of you keeping it.

Ideas don't have any intrinsic value*. Everyone has them.

*Technically, I believe an idea is worth 0.1p (they are quite literally, ten-a-penny.)
Quote:Original post by gambit924
...how do I get this bad boy developed...

You find someone you trust, and then you give him/her 50 million dollars.

And you get permission from Rowling first. :)

Make a prototype AND hundreds of documentation pages ,then present to WB the idea. Otherwise no one is going to care.
Quote:The reality is that great game ideas are a dime a dozen

Quote:Original post by Winterhell
Make a prototype AND hundreds of documentation pages ,then present to WB the idea. Otherwise no one is going to care.
True. You at least need a pre-rendered animation that says "this is our vision".

So in other words, WB is *not* going to buy your idea :/

If they wanted to make an MMO, they'd get some of their existing (proven) game designers to come up with the same concept.

**Awaits Mr Sloper's brand of reality trip to arrive**
Don't know why such a harsh comment would be posted, maybe they are tired of this
question. My suggestion would be to google some game engine maker and use that
to create what it will let you.
Our whole life is a opengl application.
Quote:Original post by gambit924
Hi everybody,
I have this really killer idea about making a Harry Potter MMORPG, but I have no idea who to pitch this idea to or how I might start developing it or anything. I have some awesome documents written up that explain how the game would work, but how do I get this bad boy developed, and how do I present it to Warner Brothers? Just a question, and others at this site might know better than me.

I hate to break it to you, but realistically, it's just not going to happen.

The Harry Potter franchise is worth BILLIONS. If Warner Brothers were to develop an MMO (which incidentally, it is rumoured that they are already planning on doing so) they would be looking at investing a substantial amount of money in the project with the best team they can get. A team with an exceptional track record and significant experience in the genre.

Your idea could be the greatest idea ever conceived, with incredible WoW beating potential, but unless you have a significant track record (design credits on several successful AAA games, including MMOs) your pitch will be filed in the shredder without even being read. They simply won't risk those sums of money and the reputation of the franchise on an unknown, inexperienced developer.

I'm sorry if this is disheartening. However, you could still develop the project yourself (minus the Harry Potter IP of course - you'd have to use your own) although even that will be hard, given the challenging nature of MMO projects. You can always file the design in your portfolio of design documents and seek to get a design role at a company (through QA is often the easiest way) and who knows where that might lead?
First of all, as Sandman said, forget Harry Potter. If you don't have money and you want to be successful you have to be ORIGINAL.
Why not create your own wizard kid? Just don't call it Parry Hotter. They are dozens of writers who would love to have their own universes published in a game, and you don't even have to pay them.

Second of all, in a computer game, the most important thing is good programming, followed by good design, and finally a good idea. Programming is hard as hell. So you have to be prepared to give the programmer at least 50% ownership of the whole project.
Quote:Original post by hiigara
Just don't call it Parry Hotter.

back when i played WoW...many years ago (I've been off the WoWcrack for a while now), had a warlock in the guild called Harry Dotter. thought it was somewhat humorous.

Quote:Original post by tnutty
Don't know why such a harsh comment would be posted, maybe they are tired of this
question. My suggestion would be to google some game engine maker and use that
to create what it will let you.

The harsh truth is that this is bad advice and the OP should ignore it.
Worst case: you spend a lot of money and then get sued and have to spend even more. Likelihood: OP wouldn't get this far anyway.
Best case: maybe Rowling (the IP owner) and EA (the current IP licensee for games) like what you've done and want to take it further. Likelihood: very low, for someone who had to ask this question here.

"Act first and ask permission later" will more likely get you in trouble, and is bad advice.

Read my FAQ 61:

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

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