How do you create working Stand Alone EXE on Eclipse/MinGW?

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1 comment, last by Developer_X 14 years, 9 months ago
Hi Everyone, I am currently running C++ (MinGW compiler) + Eclipse Gallileo IDE and working with SDL. I have already set the Run Configurations to Release and have input the proper libraries (MinGW32, SDLmain, SDL), but whenever I double click on the resulting EXE file, I get a windows error. The same thing happens when I try double clicking the Debug EXE file. The program itself runs fine within the confines of the IDE. Any suggestions on how to get a working EXE will be greatly appreciated :) (I figured I'd post here first as opposed to the Alternate Libraries forum since I am a beginner :) )

I made a silly mistake of leaving out the critical line: "SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO);". Oddly enough it worked while in the IDE. Now whenever I run the EXE files in Release or Debug folders, I see a window flicker and then disappear. And there are no more Windows Errors!

I am probably doing something really wrong or expecting something from somewhere else.

I want to be able to do is release a unfinished versions of my game whenever to show other people.
If you are using Windows, then just use Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express.
Its free, and you will not have these issues I'd wager.
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