Why does everybody want to make mmorpg?

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25 comments, last by Jar Of Eyeballs 14 years, 9 months ago
I could never get into MMOs... I'm more of a shooter/RTS guy myself. Maybe I'm just old fashioned or something, but I still have absolutely silly amounts of fun with some of the games of yesteryear (I guess that's why I made a VHDL/FPGA version of pong on my Basys Board).

-- For reference, I'm 21 and it just so happens that my first video game system was an atari 2600, and my first computer was a Commodore 64.
There was a saying we had in college: Those who walk into the engineering building are never quite the same when they walk out.
People usually wants to begin game development because they are inspired by what is currently popular. When C&C first came, people wanted to make strategy games. When Quake came, people wanted to make fps games and I'm sure people wanted to make platformers when Super Mario came. Now MMO's are booming and people want to make MMO games.

Personally, I keep some interest in MMO discussions since I believe that there has yet to be a game that even comes close to achieving the potential the medium has to offer and I'm curious about what suggestion others have for improving it. Sadly though, those discussions usually contains mere rehashes of old tired game mechanics.
-LuctusIn the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move - Douglas Adams
People want to make MMOs/MMORPG's because they are inspired by other games WoW/LotR/ and others, and it gives them ideas about what features can be added to fix the game or make it better. Even though there are way too many "Help me make a MMO" threads(even though most of them end up failing) its good to know that people are taking a slight interest in Game Development, which should be the Developers greatest goal ;-)
Quote:Original post by mmakrzem
maybe the popularity of WOW has something to do with it too.

No, it has been this way since UO (September 25, 1997).

Quote:Original post by mmakrzem
I like the idea of remaking C64 classics!

Accolade's Mini Putt has been in my mind for a remake for a while.
Because amazing ideas can come from the combination of large numbers of players, and persistent worlds. The idea is very compelling for a lot of people.

It's a pity that they're so difficult to create.

Quote:Original post by Kwizatz
Quote:Original post by mmakrzem
I like the idea of remaking C64 classics!

Accolade's Mini Putt has been in my mind for a remake for a while.

I really wish someone would make a game like Creatures 2. That game is probably partially responsible for my sick sense of humour.
Sorry, not related but--

You're from Miskolc huh? Milyen az idő? [smile]
I never got into the MMO brand I dont want to have to pay for an individual game every month, in addition to that at what point does a game become MASSIVELY online? the definition is loose at best. People lose relationships to those types of games and starve themselves because they get to involved in a fake life. Give me my own RTS rivaling Total Annihlation on a 3D planet where you can get attacked from any side and all I need is 3 other people to be on the planet for me to have a rocking good time. Long live C&C and the FPS genre along with gears of war style things. MMORPG is more intensive to make, a money factory at a great cost and although the experience is unique the feeling is jumpy and the graphics leave things to be desired. I think people jump on the bandwagon because..

A) They all get inspired playing it thinking of its potential.
B) Average joe doesn't think about the intricate complexity involved and costs and of course everyones own ideas are best.
C) Game factories like EA are secreting out games every few months which are sub par at best people will still buy them they are the games that deserve more investement and thought put into them. Not that EA do not have some good games they are invested in and dont make independently.
D) Its harder to be original in an established genre.

When an MMORPG takes off alot goes into it sure but just as much influence can be gained from something that works on a simpler more entertaining concept TA was game of the year for a good long time and I guess thats my kind of place I dream of Unreal Engines at my command and for the record I am 19 :P

P.S. MMORPG's attract those casual gamer types you only want to see on bejewelled if they bought my game I wouldn't want to have to play with them! :p
Quote:Original post by EnlightenedOne
Give me my own RTS rivaling Total Annihlation on a 3D planet where you can get attacked from any side and all I need is 3 other people to be on the planet for me to have a rocking good time.
You just described the game I'm working on! (Not even close to release, of course [wink]). The wrap-around world is something I've wanted to do for a loooong time!
Quote:Original post by kseh
Why, when I was your age we used to say the same thing about making FPS. It has a lot to do with what's trendy at a particular point in time.

Exactly what I was going to say. =D
Quote:Original post by kseh
Why, when I was your age we used to say the same thing about making FPS. It has a lot to do with what's trendy at a particular point in time.

I was also going to point out that it's analog to indies attempting to make the next big FPS some years ago.

That said, I want to make a platformer. I hate MMOs =|
Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

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