Simulating Hair

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1 comment, last by raydey 14 years, 7 months ago
I'm creating a side scroller, and the player character has very long hair. What I'd like to do is prerender all the sprites of her moving and jumping, and what have you, but simulate the hair dynamically, so I can make it flow and move according to her momentum. I think it could look really interesting on screen, but I'm not sure the right approach to take (I'm using Torque Game Builder). It's almost like particles, but I really don't think that will work. If you were simulating long, flowing hair, how would you do it?
What about modeling hairs with poligons, then moving each vertex accordingly?
It would be the same as cloth simulation wouldn't it? If so, then you might want to read up about verlet integration and how it relates to cloth simulation.

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