Flash games, web browser

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3 comments, last by Captain P 14 years, 7 months ago
Hello! I would like to know where to start making web browser games, so I have a few questions: - What can I use to develop web games like those on www.miniclip.com - What software (IDE) I need to make the games? For example for flash do I need the Adobe Flash CS4? Is there any free software? Any that works on Linux? - Do you suggest something? I have a good experience in C/C++, I developed some small games with SDL, Allegro and OpenGL and now I would like to make games in the web browser :p Well, thats it... best regards, brunooo
I googled "free flash IDE" and got this.

Didn't read into the article too much, but it sounds like what you're asking about.

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bcullis's link is a good pointer. FlashDevelop is probably the best free IDE for making Flash games:


I use Flex Builder, which is Adobe's commercial IDE. Flash CS4 is for designers and not really meant for coding but creating visual assets.

Flash Develop lags behind Flex Builder in some features-- the last time I checked it's debugger was pretty weak, but it is free so if cost is a concern give it a try. Both use the same compiler so apart from project configuration, you can start with one and then move over to the other if it doesn't work out.
Thank you. Googling things is easy, I would like to hear the oppinion from guys that already used, worked with it! Is there any solution for Linux? :/
Apparently FlashDevelop is not available for Linux.

Either way, I'm using haXe, and there's a Linux package available for it. It shouldn't be too hard to tack a Linux IDE on top of it's compiler. It's a different language than Actionscript, but it's not too difficult to pick up and you can use the same Flash API. I've been using it for a while now and I think it's a pretty good alternative. :)
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