Collision detection method is correct but object shakes when resolution takes place?

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9 comments, last by Spa8nky 14 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Buckeye.

I was trying to work it out without having to use another dreaded square root and failed. I guess there is no way of avoiding it with this scenario.

The code is now:

            float radius_Bounding_Sphere = 1.5f;            float radius_Tube = 2.0f;            // Find the distance between the object and the nearest point on the segment            // The distance can also be found with the a non normalized normal using normal.Length()            float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(debug_Segment.SquareDistanceToPoint(position_Projected));            distance += radius_Bounding_Sphere;            // If the object is outside the radius (> instead of >= means I don't have to use an Epsilon)            if (distance > radius_Tube)            {                                // Compute the closest point on the segement to the projected position                Vector3 center_Segment = debug_Segment.ClosestPtPointSegment(position_Projected);                // Calculate the normal based on the closest point on segment to object's position                Vector3 normal = center_Segment - position_Projected;                normal.Normalize();                // When repositioning keep the position + bounding sphere radius inside tube radius                position_Projected = center_Segment - normal * (radius_Tube - radius_Bounding_Sphere);            }            // Update object's position with final projected position (doesn't change if key isn't pressed)            debug_Polygon[0].Position = position_Projected;

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