Additive blending maxes out

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1 comment, last by M4573R 14 years, 5 months ago
I'm trying to blend a bunch of planes together, but the alpha isn't adding up correctly. I'm using INVSRCALPHA and SRCALPHA for my dest blend and src blend. My planes have .5 alpha and 1,1,1 color , so when I look through two planes, I should see solid white. However looking through over 20 planes seems to only add up to a total of .5 alpha.
That's not additive blending, try SRC_ALPHA for source and ONE for dest.

SRC, INVSRC still shouldn't give 0.5 though.. it simply averages between source and dest each pass, and so should result in:
First draw: 1 * 0.5 + 0 * 0.5 = 0.5
Second: 1 * 0.5 + 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.75
Third: 1 * 0.5 + 0.75 * 0.5 = 0.875
Fourth: 1 * 0.5 + 0.875 * 0.5 = 0.9375
Awesome that works. Thanks.

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