PerfHUD frame rates too HIGH!

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1 comment, last by Tyrrion 14 years, 5 months ago
Hi all, Long time troller, first time poster. First off, thank you to everyone on these forums for your insights and sharing of experience. Amateurs like myself appreciate it greatly! I have a simple app which I am playing with (textures and renders 64x64 grid). When it runs as an executable it seems to click through at around 60fps. When it is run through PerfHUD, the frame rate goes up to 500fps (240 with HUD not hidden). This is the same executable in both instances, so is this something to do with the PerfHUD adapter settings being different to the "default" adapter.? Does anyone know what is causing this? I am completely baffled. I have played with VSync in the driver settings but it had no effect. Thanks in advance, Tyr
It most definitely sounds like you have VSYNC enabled in your control panel. I do believe that if you use PerfHUD it will ignore your control panel settings, so what you're experiencing would make sense.
It was VSync related...not via control panel though. When I changed the device presentation parameters to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE, everything ran VERY quickly (perfHUD style, tearing and all lol).

So, I guess this means that PerfhUD has different default presentation paramaters?

On the default adapter, it was defaulting to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT (driver waits for vsync) and the PerfHUD was defaulting to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE. Stangely, forcing VSync off in the driver control panel was not changing this...

Thanks for the help Matt, Greatly appreciated!!


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