webcams in games

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11 comments, last by Anddos 14 years, 5 months ago
just sat here thinking it would be so cool so have like the webcam image show up in the game lobby so you can choose you're oponents by what they look like, has it ever been done?
Not that I know of, but it's obviously possible since applications like MSN Messenger already support video conversations.
is there a c++ api to handle webcam stuff?
Ah, the famous "look at my scrotum" cam [smile]

Some games have done this with the 360 webcam. A lot of the images were of ballsacks and required policing. EA at some point had an idea to allow you to own your defeated opponents screen for 20-30s after you won, they decided against it when many of the devs on the team said: "oh, cool, I can force my pwnd opponent to watch gay porn".

But those are the problems you have to deal with, especially in the gamer sub-culture.

Hmm so its going to be hard detected what they show on webcam
No, it will be impossible to detect, automatically, the semantic content of what they display on the image. You'll need a human. And even then, humans can be fooled.
Perhaps some kind of moderator to look after what is shown on the camera to solve this problem , if its porn content then just ban there ip from connecting etc or detecting with ocr against porn images but that will never work heh
Yes! You can pay four moderators to filter out 24/7 millions of 4chan users from actual players! Organized 4chan attack, anybody?
Quote:Original post by jpetrie
No, it will be impossible to detect, automatically, the semantic content of what they display on the image. You'll need a human. And even then, humans can be fooled.

Wait a year or two, and google will provide... Along with ad link to Scrotum Itch Remedy.
Quote:Original post by Antheus
Quote:Original post by jpetrie
No, it will be impossible to detect, automatically, the semantic content of what they display on the image. You'll need a human. And even then, humans can be fooled.

Wait a year or two, and google will provide... Along with ad link to Scrotum Itch Remedy.

Actually, Ray Kurzweil already invented that technology, and being used on devices for blind people. Just not ready for common PC usage...

And there you are right, it will be pretty common in a year or two. You can ask if there is a dog present if the picture, stuff like that. AI can be very powerful :)

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