Which BASIC should I use?

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2 comments, last by SpectreNectar 14 years, 4 months ago
Hi there, I'm trying to get an overview of the different BASIC languages (preferrably aimed at game development), with the intention of making a game with it. Which do you recommend? I tried blitzmax and freebasic so far, but blitz seemed too limited and undocumented which eventually led me to read a lot up on freebasic only to discover that development has stoppped years ago and there's still lacking important OOP features. I'm not too much into reinventing the wheel (eg. defining that constant TRUE = 1), and really just wants something like blitz but with the ability to eg. make a copy og the player sprite and gradually add transparent pixels to that drawn on top.
There is the free Visual Basic Express, and a bunch of random, and costly commercial basic compilers of lower quality.

you tried purebasic?
Quote:Original post by ferdekk
you tried purebasic?

No, I haven't
It looks very promising!
Thanks, I believe this is more than I had hoped for.

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