Events Suggestion

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3 comments, last by Brandon Thomason 9 years, 1 month ago
Can't find an event thread to talk in? Let us know! Perhaps we haven't yet heard of this event - in which case thanks for the heads up [smile]. Please specify the full event name - a website link will help as well.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

For reference, the Events For Gamers event calendar is here:

Mathew Anderson
Community Manager

Escapist Expo 2012.

The world's toughest game critic, ben yahtzee croshaw, will be there.
Thanks Racecarlock! Apologies about the delay in responding here, we haven't had a chance to build up our presence, but we're changing that now.

Mathew Anderson
Community Manager

Can you add meetup events to the calendar? Like idaho meetups?

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