When we meets OpenGL 1.3?

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24 comments, last by Deokhee Lee 22 years, 9 months ago
u c there is one problem with opengl ... its too bloody good!! i meen look at it version 1.1 has been around since about 1995 and has been desighed in such a way that this veriosn could posibly go on forever (still want 1.3 though) just goes show how u should create software!!!

~prevail by daring to fail~
Sarcasm about something you do not understand is not a good idea. I have the impression that Alamar thinks the new version is about support for new features like a new version of DX.

Do you really think that Microsoft will even bother releasing 1.2 when 1.3 is here. (that is if they ever do release something, I dont think they ever will)
I stopped caring about microsoft. If we all develop games or other programs with 1.3 and windows isn''t supported then we''ll have to develop for linux and other operating systems. Microsoft will learn sooner or later

"People who usualy use the word pedantic usualy are pedantic!"-me
-----------------------------------------------------------"People who usualy use the word pedantic usualy are pedantic!"-me

I know that like most of the people are using Windows, so if you develop for another OS, you won't make a lot of sales / get popularity, but if you want Microsoft to change, going along with their schemes isn't going to help. I too have finally given up on caring about MS, I just use their stuff. I hope MS has a change of heart (yeah, right), and decides to make available 1.3. Where's a good OpenGL chat? I've given up on NeHe's... =[
but who am I to tell you all what to do? I still program for Windows (because I don't have Linux).



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Edited by - _BUSTER_ on August 16, 2001 3:29:39 AM
its not important at all that ms havent released the windows opengl1.2 dll''s. it certainly didnt prevent ID realeasing quake2 many years ago + wont stop them releasing doom3. do u need software support for the stuff u do?

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