Directx 9 Basic Problem

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1 comment, last by Jaykumar 14 years, 2 months ago
Hi there i recently started kicking with directx basics and i learnt something good. I compiled my first directx9 program. There are no errors in my program. Im supposed to a see blue color filled windowed application.However when i compile the program my window opens and then closes immediately. Im using windows 7 Professional and compiling with the visual C++ 2008 express edition. i have set the additional dependencies column in the input of the linker tab in project properties to "d3d9.lib". Please help. Cheers Jay
Your first step should be enabling the debug DirectX runtimes and check whether there aren't any error codes reported from DirectX.
thanks for the info. well i noticed that i dint install the directx sdk. so i downloaded the DXSDK feb2010 release from microsoft. but the installation is giving me a error code like S1023. So pls help.



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