Delta time problems??

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2 comments, last by Foufs 14 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys, I am trying to make my game run with delta time, but I am 1) either running into problems 2) not doing it right, which would take us back to number 1 :p I am coding in SDL and what I am doing here is calling Process with delta time, Tick is the current ticks, and previous time is set at the end of the frame. Game_Speed is defined at 60, and divided by 1000 because it is in miliseconds.

int Ticks = GameTimer.get_ticks();
CurrentState->Process(GameObjects, (((Ticks - PreviousTime) * GAME_SPEED) / 1000));
At the end of the tick function this is in, I set previoustime to current ticks.

PreviousTime = GameTimer.get_ticks();
Ok, inside process I am trying to make a object fade in... but it doesn't seem to want to work.. I don't know what I am doing wrong, I have been trying solve it for a while and now it's just getting annoying.

static int alpha = 0;
alpha += 25 * DeltaTime;
SDL_SetAlpha(Objects["Title"]->Surface, SDL_SRCALPHA, alpha);
If there is anything else you might want to know, just drop a reply.. thanks :D. Regards, Fouf.
Have you attached a debugger and inspected the delta value being passed into Process? At first glance, I suspect that since you're using integers everywhere your delta time is being truncated to 0 due to integer division when it really needs to be a floating-point.
!!! You are right, I was just thinking that maybe because it keeps evaluating to zero, I will turn it into floats, thank you VERY much for your input.
It works, thank you very much Zipster! Something stupid as this will (hopefully) not happen again.

Regards, Fouf.

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