is it invalid..

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2 comments, last by y2jsave 14 years, 1 month ago
HI , Is it invalid ,, and lead to valgrind related issues .. if yes, please suggest a alternative .. map<string,A*>::iterator start = _maps->begin(); map<string,A*>::iterator end = _maps->end(); for( ; start != end ; start++) { string Name = (*start).first; if(Name == "me") { _maps->erase(Name); } } Regards..
map<string, A*>::iterator it = _maps->find( "me" );delete it->second; // Does _maps own the A* pointers?  If so, you need to delete it before removing it from the map_maps->erase( it );
Yes that is invalid -- you're erasing the element pointed to by the iterator, which makes the iterator invalid.
After calling erase, the next call to "start++" (which should be "++start" by the way) will cause bad things to happen (because "start" is no longer a valid iterator).
map<string,A*>::iterator start = _maps->begin();map<string,A*>::iterator end = _maps->end();while( start != end ){  map<string,A*>::iterator current = start;  ++start;  if(current->first == "me")  {    _maps->erase(current);  }}
[Edit]If you're trying to find/erase a specific item, then you should use the find function like _fastcall posted above instead of writing the loop yourself ;)
thanks a lot guys ...
i will try these changes and again check valgrind results ..

Thanks Again ..

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