[web] JS: Access class member using 'this' inside an anon function call in a class method

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5 comments, last by BeanDog 14 years, 1 month ago
I'm using jquery to make it easy for AJAX calls. So I create a class: function cMap(mapID){//vars and stuff} I go and prototype a function: cMap.prototype.loadMap = function(){ //jquery AJAX call } Now in the jquery $.ajax({...}); call, I use an anonymous function on the "success:" call: success: function(data){ this.member = data; } My problem is that inside this anonymous function call I'm trying to call a class member of my cMap class to store the data in from the AJAX call, but it's out of scope. So the JS console in FF/Chrome throws errors about bad value/doesn't exist. How can I access this class member from inside an anonymous function? Or at least what's a good way to go about doing all this? Thanks in advance! :D
You'll have to use a closure.

Var me = this;

Var x =function () { me.x; }
In jQuery 1.4 there is a function called proxy for exactly that purpose. Before that is just used something like smr describes.
Basically var self = this; and then just use self instead of this in the callback.
Awesome! It works. Thanks!

Not really sure why it works, though. Seems kind of illogical.
Quote:Original post by chbrules...Not really sure why it works, though. Seems kind of illogical.

You've likely used closures already by accident.

Read this for a comprehensive insight: &#106avascript Closures

After you have familiarized yourself with the closure feature, and got used to it, coding as a lazy programmer in a language without this feature let you find it lacking in something. ;-)
Quote:Original post by chbrules
Not really sure why it works, though. Seems kind of illogical.

It is actually quite logical. In JS, this is a special variable, just like arguments, that is bound to the function in which it appears. So:

function a(){  this; // from function a  arguments; // from function a  function b()  {    this; // from function b    arguments; // from function b  }  var obj = { f : b };  obj.f(1,2); // calls b with this == obj and arguments == [1,2]}

Normal variables, however, exist in the scope they were defined in, as well as any scopes within that scope that do not re-define it. So that you achieve:

function a(){  var self;  self; // from function a  function b()  {    self; // from function a    function c(self)     {      self; // from function c    }  }}

Among other interesting things from JS, can you guess what the following prints?

for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i){  setTimeout(function() { alert(i); }, i*1000);}
Quote:Original post by ToohrVyk
Among other interesting things from JS, can you guess what the following prints?

for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i){  setTimeout(function() { alert(i); }, i*1000);}

I can't tell you how many times that very issue has gotten me. Although it's a little silly to apply the solution to this minor an example, the illustrative solution to binding down the current value of i is as follows:
for(var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {  setTimeout(    (function(i) {       return function() {         alert(i);       }     })(i), i*1000);}

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