What API to choose.

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0 comments, last by Gage64 14 years, 1 month ago
Hi, me and my group here at a game developer school are going to make a game. We are going to work full time for 10 weeks begining today. We are a group of 14 with 3 programmers, and some designers, graphic artists and one sound artist. We are at a loss for what API to use, something that would be optimal for our learning experience would be something like Ogre3D, however there seems to be some trouble making it work on our school computers. We are now looking for somhing similar that would suit our needs. XNA could also work, however we would al prefer to work in C++. since we are brainstorming any suggestion would be nice, thank you.

Video Game Programmer.
5 years in industry.

You could try Irrlicht. Some people also like Horde3D.

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