Working on demo game...need some helpers

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1 comment, last by juicemaster23 22 years, 10 months ago
Looking for some help on my game demo. It's a 2D side scroller similar to Contra. Check out some screens or download the game on this site: Need some people who can design levels, do artwork, maybe fix some bugs, or program some new functionalities(not a word i think?).....I can explain how the whole damn thing works so dont sweat that! Contact me: By the way....I can't pay anyone, sorry. Just doing this for fun, experience, and to build my portfolio.... If you can't help its no problem...Please leave some feedback if you checked out the demo or screens... Edited by - juicemaster23 on August 7, 2001 5:41:48 PM
One quick question before I proceed... why does the projects page say the engine was developed with DX7, but the download page says it won''t work without DX8? Which is it, cause if it is DX8 I''m gonna have to download that first.
Sorry the Engine uses Direct Draw 7 but the input uses DX''ll need DX8 to run it!!!

Sorry for the confusion...

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