The Chipped Dagger (2D Java MMO) -- Alpha Testing

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29 comments, last by pink_daisy 14 years ago
Nice project, keep it up! [smile]
Build 111 patch notes:

[update] many terrain tile graphical updates from krumple. Also some other item/monster graphics updates.
[added] your corpse locations are now displayed at login; corpses are displayed oldest to newest.
[change] removed destroy option for tokens
[added] essences (explained below)

There was a major addition in today's build. There are now various kinds of "essence" that can be looted from dead monsters. Each essence has a given attribute (IE health, piercing attack, backstab defense, etc). If you consume one of these essences you will gain a permanent increase in that attribute! There is no limit to the number of essenses you can use. They are rare drops however. Also, the more of a given essense that you use, the greater the number of essences you will need to increase that attribute further. For example, it might only take 1 essence of piercing attack to increase permanently increase your piercing attack up for the first 10 times you use one. On the 11th time however, it will require 2 essenses of piercing attack in order to gain the +11 bonus. It works similarly for all essence types.

This is a new system. I added it because the game needed additional ways for players to customize their character. Also, many players did not like the fact that the loot was the only thing that would affect their attributes. Since all of your items drop on death, many were discouraged. I added this system to aleviate those issues.

This is substantial change to the gameplay. It might be too overpowered it could also be underpowered, or it might be just right. We need to test it then get player feedback to see how it feels. If everyone hates this new system, i'm not totally opposed to removing it. If you do not like the new essence addition, or if you think it's out of balance please don't hesistate go give me your feedback! Please keep the comments constructive however.

I also added another tab to the market for players who wish to buy or sell essences."They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." -- Benjamin Franklin"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle
Build 113 patch notes:
[bugfix] removed multiple chat depart messages for players who exit the game unexpectedly
[change] lowered MTU for players who were having issues with truncated packets
[change] player corpse decay increased from 1 day to 7 days.
[change] new magical item attribute randomness was increased a bit
[added] beholders can now drop teleporation potions (and recipes which require 4 different ingredients)
[added] ancient ents can now drop death ward potions (and recipes which require 5 different ingrdients)
[added] an event message is sent to all players when a world event (WE) monster dies
[added] event log notifies premium players how much premium time they have at login
[change] the market window is now resizeable for better name/price readability
[change] partially fixed with where on rare occassions a dead players corpse would be invisible
[bugfix] tokens will no longer drop from bags on death
[change] increased chance that a new item recipe will require an additional ingredient type
[change] doubled the chance of potion and coin recipe drops. halfed the number of uses for the recipes

Notes regarding teleportation potions: you can bind them to any spot in the world. Stand on the location you wish to set as your teleport point. Right click on a potion in your inventory (but not in a bag) and choose “Bind.” If successful it will give you an event log notice stating where the potion is now bound to. If you mouse over the potion it will also give the coordinates of where it’s bound to. You can also bind a stack of potions. If you split stack both stacks will still be bound to the same location. If you combine stacks, the stack you add to is the binding that is used for the new stack. You can also remove bindings by right clicking on the potion and choosing “Unbind.” These are very powerful because you can teleport anywhere in the world. As a result they are also very expensive in terms of ingredient costs. The costs will likely need to be adjusted in the future. Currently beholders are the only monsters who can drop the potions (and thus the potion recipe). The ingredients are very common ones.

Death ward: the death ward potion bestows a chance of keeping all of your items upon death. You can right click “use” on one of these potions. It grants a 50% chance to respawn with all of your gear intact. You can stack the effects. If you use 2 it’s 75% chance, if you use 3 it’s 87% chance and so on. Only ancient ents drop these potions (and thus the recipes). The recipe requires 5 different ingredients to make. Like the teleportation potion these are very powerful and are designed to be _very_ expensive. If they turn out to be not expensive enough I will adjust their cost accordingly.

These are just 2 of the new potions in the new alchemy update. Other potions are forthcoming!

thanks!"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." -- Benjamin Franklin"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle
114 patch notes:
[bugfix] resolved issue where some new users were unable to create accounts
[change] monsters grew tired of adventurers who hide behind walls of corpses to avoid being struck. They have adapted.

Yesterday was also day 30 of alpha testing! The game has come a long way in the last month. Thanks to everyone who has been part of our growing community.
114 patch notes:
[bugfix] resolved issue where some new users were unable to create accounts
[change] monsters grew tired of adventurers who hide behind walls of corpses to avoid being struck. They have adapted.

Yesterday was also day 30 of alpha testing! The game has come a long way in the last month. Thanks to everyone who has been part of our growing community.
114 patch notes:
[bugfix] resolved issue where some new users were unable to create accounts
[change] monsters grew tired of adventurers who hide behind walls of corpses to avoid being struck. They have adapted.

Yesterday was also day 30 of alpha testing! The game has come a long way in the last month. Thanks to everyone who has been part of our growing community.
114 patch notes:
[bugfix] resolved issue where some new users were unable to create accounts
[change] monsters grew tired of adventurers who hide behind walls of corpses to avoid being struck. They have adapted.

Yesterday was also day 30 of alpha testing! The game has come a long way in the last month. Thanks to everyone who has been part of our growing community.
Build 115 patch notes:
[bugfix] the item level of drops from monsters was not being correctly randomized. Thus it’s now possible to get a much broader range of item levels (white, blue, green, purple, gold, etc) from monsters than before. Previously a given monster would only drop a single level of items (IE a legendary ent would only drop purples). This was not the intended effect. The same legendary ent now has a small chance to drop anything from whites to golds or better. This bug was also likely causing the maximum item level in the world (currently level 5) to increase slower than intended.
[bugfix] spelling error in death notification window
[bugfix] copper golems and goblins had short swords listed twice as a loot type
[bugfix] resolved issue where some windows were taller than the screen. the titlebar would be pushed offscreen making the window unclosable.
[bugfix] resolved longstanding bug with server sending null packets
[bugfix] fixed bug where will was able to crash the server
[bugfix] resolved issue where some inventory/bank/corpse items would appear invisible. The item existed and the slot was occupied, but the item couldn’t be seen or interacted with.
[bugfix] reflecting ponds could sometimes spawn on border lava tiles inside crevasses
[bugfix] resolved issue with players being teleported as criminals when they weren’t actually criminals
[added] admins can now unmute players
[change] combat now uses stamina"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." -- Benjamin Franklin"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle
Things are coming along nicely :)

Build 116 patch notes:
[change] further tweaks to the loot drop randomness from mosnters.
[change] increased percent change of magical items aquiring a second prefix and a suffix in the name.
[bugfix] players should all have the same maximum movement speed now.
[change] increased stamina burn while fighting
[bugfix] lore typo
[change] increased chances that lengendary and world event monsters can have health & stamina regeneration
[change] most of the monster attributes were adjusted. In general monsters now deal less damage. To compensate they have higher defenses on average. They will likely need further tweaking in the future. Approach monsters with caution under you are comfortable with the changes. Please note that higher meta level mobs (yellow, orange, red, and purple) can still end up with very nasty modifiers! Overall though the changes should drastically reduce the chances of being one-shotted by mobs. With their higher defenses however it might take multiple players to kill some of the more difficult monsters.
[change] drop rates for weapons/armor/cloaks/jewelry was increased by approx. 35% for all monsters. With the new loot system higher level and higher meta level monsters should drop higher quality items more oftne now.
[feature] a mysterious traveller setup shop in town. He offers a chance to reclaim essences from your unwanted magical items.
[feature] there is now a second route into the distant lands via the road to the south. The monsters to the south are not as harsh as the monsters to the west and might provide a smoother transition for players wanting to explore the distant lands.
[feature] player lists in chatrooms are now alphabetized
[feature] enabled potion use notices in client

Note: all monsters were despawned. The new monsters will have the new stats. The server will likely be slow for about an hour or so while the server despawns/repawns dungeons and populates the world with monsters!

Build 117 patch notes:

[update] images from krumple

[change] a greater variety of monster types can spawn for the world event

[change] the names are WEM are now shown in the event log when they spawn

[bugfix] adjusted all the old bugged +5 stamina regen gloves. existing gloves still have the modifier, but new gloves will have to work their way back up from +1 stamina regen.

[bugfix] small areas of the non-premium part of the world were incorrectly flagged as premium.

[added] ability to open bags inside the bank

[added] ability to drag items into/out of bags inside the bank

[added] ability to stack items into and out banks/bags

[added] ability to split stacks inside bags/banks/corpses

[added] ability to sell/trade items from bags

[change] bags containing items can no longer be sold on the market

[bugfix] ownership flag for items inside bags is now being correctly applied when the bag is moved

[bugfix] traded bags containing items should now correctly apply the ownership flag to the new owner

[feature] ability to name bags

[bugfix] rare packet out of range error"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." -- Benjamin Franklin"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle
Build 118 patch notes:
[update] image updates from krumple
[bugfix] with chat tab ordering defaulting to the wrong channel
[bugfix] multiple login dialogs no longer appear if a player idles at the login screen
[change] add extra info to login dialog
[feature] ability to change account passwords ingame
[feature] ability to add email address ingame for account recovery
[change] chat window & event log are now positioned near the center of the screen on clients with extremely low resolutions
[bugfix] bug allowed players who ran out of premium time to remain in the premium area
[feature] added a /roll feature to chat. performs a d100 dice roll serverside and broadcasts the results to all players in the channel"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." -- Benjamin Franklin"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -- Milton Berle

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