Wierd Frame Rates in OpenGL

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-1 comments, last by asaari 22 years, 9 months ago
I know this should probably be in the OpenGl forum, but i dont think my problem is with OpenGL; Im working on a simple game engine, and ive implement MD2 loading, and some basic keyboard input, and also a simple terrain, the terrain is just a giant (5000x5000) texture mapped GL_QUAD, and you can move the madel around depending on the direciton it is facing, and you can move the camera up down, and around, when it first starts it is looking donw the =z axis i believe, and the frame rate is great, but if i trun the camera it drops like a rock, i can move the model, or move the camera along that axis, and it is fine, but if I get off that z axis the FPS drops, has anyone else had this problem? I could post the program, or the source code if you''d like, thanks in advance,

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