Efficient indoor and outdoor rendering - BSP & PVS?

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14 comments, last by rubicondev 14 years ago
Does anyone know what the latest engines are using for potential visibility with regard to combined indoor and outdoor environments? The last time I looked into this it was BSP trees and potential visibility sets, which had 'superceded' portal-based rendering. I intend my maps to be similar in size and complexity to that of a typical COD mutliplayer map, so mostly a relatively small terrain (which won't require anything more complicated than a small quad tree) and a few largeish buildings and interior areas. My initial thoughts were to model the exteriors of the buildings and chop them up into segments in order that they fit nicely into an oct tree. I was then going to model the static interiors of all the buildings and from those polygons, create a BSP tree from which I can build a potential visibility set (and do some interior collision detection, line of sight, etc). Unfortunately, line of sight will be required all over the map, inside and out so I was wondering whether it might be better to perhaps just create a BSP tree from the entire static scene map geometry, i.e. interior and exterior, and create a PVS from that. Does this sound like an efficient and elegant approach?
Apologies for bumping, but I've been doing some more research into this and it appears that with today's graphics hardware, bsp trees, if used, are mainly only used for collision detection. If they're not generally used for rendering indoor environments any more, does anyone know what is?

The only thing I can think of is to split the entire indoor environment up into an oct tree and frustum cull the nodes but that doesn't really allow for any occlusion where nodes completely obscure nodes further away in the frustum. I don't really want to be drawing an entire frustum worth of oct tree nodes if I'm in a room looking at a brick wall.

I'd really appeciate any pointers or thoughts, thanks.
I would also be very interested to hear anything anyone has to say on the matter. These days, doing visibility mostly or entirely in realtime, without precomputed visibility data, seems to be the popular thing to do. I've tried to find in-depth technical information about Unreal Engine 3's visibility tech, but that search has been largely fruitless. Epic created a page that shows ways to be a good visibility citizen when constructing UE3 levels, and it describes the main tech very briefly. It "conservatively" culls primitives that "are classified as entirely invisible by convex zone frustum tests." I didn't find that description terribly helpful, but there you go.

The page goes into more depth describing the things level designers can do manually to improve visibility logic. They can make primitives cease rendering after a certain distance, and also use a level of detail system to collapse multiple primitives into one.


The way I understand it, it is the other way around, Portal systems superseded BSPs for rendering.

The following is just my perception, I could be entirely wrong [smile]:

As hardware took over software rendering, a lot of optimization was moved to the hardware pipeline, making most software optimizations unnecessary, so most of the time you want to limit what you send down the 3d pipeline in some way, but you need not be 100% precise as to what, some scene partitioning (personally I like portals for indoors and octrees for outdoors) and frustum culling should be enough these days (maybe some back face culling too).
Quote:personally I like portals for indoors and octrees for outdoors

Doesn't portal-based rendering go hand in hand with BSP rendering? Or maybe you could use an oct-tree for the interior rendering combined with portals?
Typically, in a portal engine you still use a BSP to find the area or zone a given point (camera, spotlight) resides in. From there you traverse the portal graph.

The BSP can be generated from some lowres structure of the level that doesn't necessarily have to be visible in-game, but it can be.

A more dynamic method might be some sort of hierarchical occlusion culling, but I haven't looked into that. Often hardware occlusion queries perform bad (3+ frames latency etc) so you might need a software renderer for this (Frostbite and others) or a geometric approach (planes and solids). The geometric approach works well for cities but really bad for trees and vegetation.

I think that Unreal uses BSP + heavy occlusion culling. The BSP is often really simplistic and might also be nonexistent on some level.
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Quote:Original post by RobMaddison
Doesn't portal-based rendering go hand in hand with BSP rendering? Or maybe you could use an oct-tree for the interior rendering combined with portals?

Not necessarily, you can take advantage of BSPs to automatically place portals, but you can also place portals manually or using a different algorithm to do the automation.

BSPs help a lot in determining which portal area an arbitrary point in space is located at, but you can certainly use a different approach to do this, oct-trees or a similar AABB based structure can be used as well.

I use BSPs, but mostly for collision detection, and determining which portal area to render, which is the only role they have in rendering.
PVS can be still used for large levels, but instead of tesselating space with BSPs, you can simply use regular tesselation (grid, octree etc). The result does not have to be perfect, but should cull the obvious cases. You'd also rather not save the PVS the quake way, but rather using an oct-tree (8bit fit quit nicely).

Hardware Occlusion culling can be used to cull the near scene, but you must be careful, it's not as fancy for framerate as it sounds.
1. if you're drawcall limited and you submit occlusion queries for objects you dont see, you still submit drawcalls
- you can use hierarchycally tests, but you'll increase the latency quite a lot if something gets visible and due to the hierarchy you might submit even more drawcalls in worst case (and that's what you're optimizing for)
2. what you save is vertex transforms (and maybe some setup cost), not visible pixels are anyway culled (if you render front2back) by the hardware. and Vertex transforms are kind of cheap (crysis 1 is submitting some million triangle/s on G80 hardware).
3. occlusion queries can result in very unstable rendering, you might see the bounding box of something you test, but not the object itself. The result would be back and forth switching between that object. in some cases, e.g. forest, there might be a lot of those objects and you get a very jittery framerates.

If you really dont want to have long precomputing times for PVS, use portals and anti-portals. They can be evaluated quite easily on cpu, they are conservative and can be quite handy in other areas like AI (visibility testing) or sound (occlusion, reflection).
By portals I mean artist set (anti-)portals, it's not much work and more error-prone than automatic setting, especially with nowadays complex scenes.
Beside just rendering an object, culling also servs the sake of streaming. Making tests more convervative gives you some time to stream in objects before they get really visible, cause your culling will mark them visible quite some time ahead. In some cases, artist can put some occluding wall right after a door, not showing the room behind it at all, but the rendering side might not have to cull those objects and therefor stream them in. That's bad culling on purpose.

perhaps you should checkout the occlusion lib Umbra? they are using tons of modern day techniques and an sdk is available on trial basis, for non-commercial use. perhaps it can be a source of inspiration for you?

Also, the torque game engine has support for both bsp and octree spatial partitioning. what happened with the latest version of the engine is that octree partitioning was faster than bsp partitioning. i dont know if thats always the case, but yeah.

hope this helps a bit in deciding!
Some great info to work with there guys, thanks.

One thing that's always got my wires crossed is the concept of using a PVS with portals. Why would you need a full PVS if you have portals. Would you not just put a portal polygon in place between two 'zones' (be they octree nodes, BSP convex hull leaves, etc) and store the id of the leaf that can be seen the other side of the portal (and vice versa for the opposite side)? Then if that portal polygon is in the viewing frustrum, draw the leaf on the other side, rinse and repeat. I guess that this is a PVS of some fashion, but sounds a bit easier to implement and maintain than the regular bitwise method.

Perhaps I've misunderstood and portals and PVS are mutually exclusive…?

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