GLSL Diffuse lighting doesn't work

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6 comments, last by BloodLust666 14 years ago
I'm working with GLSL and for some reason my diffuse calculation keeps coming out to 0s... frag shader, everything is in eye space

uniform vec3 lightPosition; // a directional light
uniform vec4 lightAmbient;

// I'm getting this data from a texture
vec4 color;
vec3 normal;
vec3 vertex; // this is the interpolated vertex

vec3 E 		= normalize(-;
vec3 L          = normalize(lightPosition);
vec4 Idiff      = color * max(dot(normal,L),0.0);
vec4 Iamb       = lightAmbient * color;

gl_FragColor =  Iamb + Idiff;

but for some reason my scene always shows ONLY the Iamb color only. I even tried substituting (normal,L) to (normal,vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)) just to see what would happen and that seems to work, but that only gives the light direction in relation to the eye orientation. Every frame, I update lightPosition by multiplying the camera's viewMatrix by the light's position then sending THAT vector as the position in eye space. I know this works because on the CPU side, I have my light set at (0,1,0) and when I point the camera straight up, the new value is (0,0,-1) which is the light in eye space, so that's right. I has to be something in the shader [Edited by - BloodLust666 on April 28, 2010 12:41:45 AM]
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
ok, the diffuse is working now, turns out I had a misspelling when I was updating that uniform... BUT now it seems as though the diffuse is very exaggerated. When I look up, nothing is lit (except ambiance), but when I look down everything is lit, including walls that weren't lit when I looked up. Am I doing this correclty? I'm "pretty" sure everything is in eye space...

Backing up a bit, I'm doing deferred shading, on my first pass I have

Vertex shader
varying vec2 texCoord;varying vec3 normal;varying vec4 position;void main (void){	texCoord 	= gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;	normal 		= gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;	position	= gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex;	gl_Position    	= ftransform();}

Fragment Shader
varying vec2 texCoord;varying vec3 normal;varying vec4 position;uniform sampler2D texture;void main (void){	gl_FragData[0] = vec4(texture2D(texture, texCoord).rgb, 1.0);		gl_FragData[1] = vec4(normal,1.0);	gl_FragData[2] = vec4(,gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);}

As you can see at this step, the color and normals are in eye space.

Then in my second pass, I'm pass in each light and render as a quad

Vertex shader
varying vec2 texCoord;void main (void){	texCoord 	= gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy;	gl_Position    	= ftransform();}

Fragment shader
varying vec2 texCoord;// geometryuniform sampler2D textureDiffuse;uniform sampler2D textureNormal;uniform sampler2D texturePosition;// lightuniform int lightType;uniform vec3 lightPosition;uniform vec4 lightAmbient;uniform vec4 lightDiffuse;uniform vec4 lightSpecular;void main (void){	vec2 flipped = vec2(texCoord.x, 1.0 - texCoord.y);// render texture renders these upside down.  This is a fix	vec4 Idiff;	vec4 Iamb;	vec4 Ispec = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);	vec4 color 	= texture2D(textureDiffuse, flipped );	vec3 normal 	= normalize(texture2D( textureNormal, flipped ).xyz);	vec4 position 	= texture2D(texturePosition, flipped );	float shiny	= position.a;	position.a 	= 1.0;	vec3 E 		= normalize(-;	vec3 L;	vec3 H;	float NdotHV;	Iamb = lightAmbient * color;	if ( lightType == 1 ) // directional	{		L = normalize(lightPosition);		H = normalize(E - L);		NdotHV = max(dot(normal, H),0.0);		Idiff = color * max(dot(normal,L),0.0);		//Ispec = lightSpecular * color * pow(NdotHV,shiny);	}	else if ( lightType == 2 ) // point light (not done yet.. help?)	{	}	gl_FragColor =  Idiff + Iamb + Ispec;	}
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
Is your "lightPosition" provided in world space or in eye space?
If I was helpful, feel free to rate me up ;)If I wasn't and you feel to rate me down, please let me know why!
I'm pretty sure it's in eye space because before I pass lightPosition to the shader, I get the camera's ModelView Matrix and multiply it by the light's world position. If that's eye space, then yes it's in eye space as well.

lightPosition = light->GetPosition();
m_deferredPass2Shader.UpdateGlobalUniformData("lightPosition", cWUniformData(sWVector3(lightPosition)));
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
Does lightPosition contain a position or a direction??
lightPosition is a direction
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML
If I'm not wrong, you're calculating a direction in this line:

H = normalize(E - L);

However, if L (lightPosition) is a direction this doesn't make sense.

Edit2: I guess your normals are normalized, aren't they?

Edit3: What's your light direction? Could it point towards the camera? In that case your objects would be lit from the back and you wouldn't see that light.

Edit: forget the following, never mind

I'd say it should just be

H = L;

i.e. the next line should be

NdotHV = max(dot(normal, L),0.0);

[Edited by - Lord_Evil on April 28, 2010 2:20:28 PM]
If I was helpful, feel free to rate me up ;)If I wasn't and you feel to rate me down, please let me know why!
The specular reflection isn't the problem. My diffuse lighting isn't working correctly, but I imagine once I fix the diffuse problem, the specular issue should be fixed too.

Edit: to clearify. L is my light direction, H is the half vector between the eye and the light direction

Edit2: yes all my normals are normalized
-------------------------Unless specified otherwise, my questions pertain:Windows Platform (with the mindset to keep things multi-platform as possible)C++Visual Studio 2008OpenGL with SFML

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