How do I make an r-tree?

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3 comments, last by 1101 13 years, 10 months ago
I was hoping someone could direct me to a clear simple explanation of how to make an r-tree. So far all the google results have been way too complex. They seem to pride themselves on explaining what an r-tree is in exact technical terms (as if it's even that hard to understand...) but breeze over how one actually codes it. The source code I've found hasn't been helpful either. So if anyone knows of a good tutorial the explains how to make one in simple English I'd appreciate it.
Well I just took a data structures and algorithms class and it sounds like you described my class LOL.
Seriously, you are lucky if you can find a decent explanation of half this stuff let alone how to code it!
Only one that I've seen that does a somewhat decent job is the Sedgewick books.
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe
Um okay... Is there some specific book I should dl? The guys written a lot of stuff.
A familiar problem...Wikipedia does provide a lot of source links in a variety of languages:

R-Tree implementations: C & C++, Java applet, Common Lisp, Python, &#106avascript</a>.<br><br>But, reading source-code without lots of explanation text can be hit-and-miss in terms of whether you can even understand it XD
Quote:But, reading source-code without lots of explanation text can be hit-and-miss in terms of whether you can even understand it XD

yeah no kidding. My main problem is that I can't figure out how to split a rectangle into two smaller minimum bound rectangles.

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