Render multiple techniques on an Object

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1 comment, last by hl1202 13 years, 9 months ago
Hi everyone,

I have a question (again):

+ I have a list of techniques (A, B , C...)

+ I have an object

How can i render this object with many techniques?

For example:

+ I have 2 techniques name "EnvironmentTechnique" and "ShadowMapTechnique"

+ I have a sphere

I want to draw a sphere that reflects the environment around it (using the EnvironmentTechnique) and the sphere also casts shadow on the ground (Using ShadowMapTechnique)

Thanks for the help!
I don't think this is possible. Try making single technique

EnvironmentShadowMapTechnique{   //passes from environment   //passes from shadow map}
The problem is:

If i have 100 objects and 100 techniques. Each object will be rendered using different list of techniques. If doing like your suggestion, i have to create a lot of new techniques (which combine the pass of each separate technique). Very inconvenient!

Is there any other way?

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