OpenAL Streaming (Queue Buffers)

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11 comments, last by KulSeran 13 years, 9 months ago
Okay, I changed sleep time from 92ms to 20ms, and I don't notice any more CPU usage (program uses 0-3% CPU). I listened to a stream for many minutes and there seemed to be no interrupt.

Maybe that's really the solution now :)
I had the same problem. When the buffers are depleted it stopped. I solved it by remembering what state it should be in then querying OpenAL for the state it is in. When it should be playing but isn't I just call alSourcePlay again:

		if( Stop && BufferQueue.empty() )		{			InfoLog << "Stopping  sound because we reached end of file" << endl;			alSourceStop( Sources[ 0 ] );			State = eStopped;			Reset();		}		else		{			ALenum ALState = 0;        			alGetSourcei( Sources[ 0 ], AL_SOURCE_STATE, &ALState);       			if( ALState != AL_PLAYING)			{				InfoLog << "Starting  sound (or resuming sound because we ran out of buffers)" << endl;				alSourcePlay( Sources[ 0 ] );				}		}
Ron AF Greve
Original post by coyote-development
Quote:Original post by KulSeran
There is a really good chance that you are going to miss your window (windows is granular on sleeps with about 15ms of jitter).

What do you mean by that? What does a thread in the background have to do with a window?

I assumed you were working on Windows(tm) the operating system. Linux has similar issues with sleep, but the scheduler is different and so the jitter is different (and I don't recall the average skew on a sleep). On Windows(tm), sleeps tend to skew to the next multiple of 15ms. So, by sleeping for too much time, there is a good chance your app "misses" the opportunity to update the buffers.

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