Bricked 2 [Puzzle] (Finished Game)

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8 comments, last by kake_fisk 13 years, 7 months ago
Title: Bricked 2

Bricked 2 is a puzzle game I've made in C++. The goal in the game is to find your way through all the levels while avoiding enemies and other obstacles. You can also collect peaches for an extra challenge.

New features:

  • Better graphic
  • Larger levels
  • More levels
  • New blocks
  • Unlockables
  • Level editor


Download Bricked 2

I might release a map pack if I get some contributions with maps. Maps can be made with the inbuilt level editor.
- Thanks for playing.

[Edited by - kake_fisk on September 25, 2010 8:44:16 PM]

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Sacred Water

Nice. Played a couple of levels and I like the concept. Seems polished, too. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
Will you be releasing the source code, for those who don't have Windows?
I guess it's my fault, but I can't control the square. If I press an arrow key, the square keeps going until it hits a wall, but I can't change its direction. So I can only go from wall to wall.

Or that's how it works, hmmm. I'll try again.

Okay, I'm noob. Maybe you could make it a bit clearer for stupids like me [grin]
Thank you for the comment. And yeh, I've worked really hard on polishing the game. I don't think there are any bugs in the game, because I've tested it like a houndreds of times.

I'm not a very big fan of sharing my code with others. But if you tell me which OS you are using, I can maybe manage to port the game to your system. And thanks for your interest by the way.

Hehe, I thought that was obvious. In my newest game, there was also a guy that didn't understand that you jumped with space in a platform game. Maybe I'm just too used to game controls or something. In my next game I'll try my best to explain to the user how the controls work. Maybe some tutorial levels in the beginning or something.

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Quote:Original post by kake_fisk
I'm not a very big fan of sharing my code with others. But if you tell me which OS you are using, I can maybe manage to port the game to your system. And thanks for your interest by the way.

I do have Windows myself (along with Ubuntu). I asked the question as it looks like a fun game to play that would port well to other systems.

Quote:In my newest game, there was also a guy that didn't understand that you jumped with space in a platform game
[lol]. Yeah, nowadays you obviously have to put tutorial levels for the simplest things (rant: because game manuals are sold separately as "solution" books). Nonetheless: szecs has a point. A simple help screen which shortly explains the way your game works and what the different tiles do might be handy. Then again: It's free and I for one think finding things out the hard way can be a challenge, too - if it's not too frustrating.
Quote:Original post by unbird
Quote:In my newest game, there was also a guy that didn't understand that you jumped with space in a platform game
[lol]. Yeah, nowadays you obviously have to put tutorial levels for the simplest things (rant: because game manuals are sold separately as "solution" books). Nonetheless: szecs has a point. A simple help screen which shortly explains the way your game works and what the different tiles do might be handy. Then again: It's free and I for one think finding things out the hard way can be a challenge, too - if it's not too frustrating.

The problem is: I almost left it be, I thought maybe it's just a bug on XP. At least the very basic game mechanic should be explained IMHO.

Anyway, I played with it, I like the idea very much. But it's too easy: the player is not forced to "eat" those yellow stuff, so some levels are too easy to get through.
Let's see, folks already mentioned the neat concept and polish, so I'll skip that :)

The music is borderline in that it doesn't fit the game very well, which doesn't mean it's bad (it's not) but I'd look for more appropriate tunes. At the very least you could fade between tracks which should be easy since it looks like you're using SDL_mixer. The mute button appears to be backwards too, unless it's just me.

Also in the controls arena, it took me a second to realize that the main menu is keyboard-only, which is weird, because other items on the same screen are mouse-only. As a user, I should get to choose.

Oh, I see. And you are probably right about that as it's made in SDL with very few windows functions.

@Unbird & Szecs
Yeh, I've learnt that I should give the user a little introduction to the game now. I forget to write that you are unable to move until you touch a solid block again, in the manual.

No, you don't have to take them. But if you manage to win the game easily, you can try the challenge of completing all the levels with all the peaches. And yeh, these thingies are actually peaches. But when I think about it, I did design the levels with focus on the peaches, so I haven't really tested the game without taking the peaches.

Thanks. :)
I haven't been looking very much into SDL_Mixer's functions. But you are right. That would have been a nice effect on the music.
And yeh, I'm changing a bit too much between mouse controlling and keyboard controlling. I should either stick to one of them or let you use both.

[Edited by - kake_fisk on September 28, 2010 2:41:20 PM]

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