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2 comments, last by Evil Steve 13 years, 7 months ago
Is it possible that instead of using SetTransform on the device, you do the vertex manipulation yourself?

I'm looking at an old (3D) game made with DirectX 6 and noticed it never uses SetTransform (except once for D3DTS_PROJECTION at the initD3D phase), which was the reason I ask this question. (I dont have the source code, I'm looking with an assembler)
Yes, it's entirely possible. Although modern games won't do it, because it's almost always faster to do the vertex transformation on the GPU, or to let Direct3D do it if your GPU doesn't support hardware vertex transform (Pre GeForce 2 era).
Alright Thanks.

So the GPU will do the actual transformation later, interesting.
Quote:Original post by ProgrammerDX
Alright Thanks.

So the GPU will do the actual transformation later, interesting.
Yes. if you're using Direct3D 7 or below you need to create a TnLHAL device to tell the GPU to do the vertex transform, on DX8+ it's done if you create a device with the D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING flag (Or D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING).

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