Beginner: Searching for advice

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0 comments, last by Ruggostein 13 years, 6 months ago
Hello Everyone,

Ive been playing around with the XNA framework for some weeks now and got into the game programming with it. At the moment I am able to create good OOP designed small games.

Now come the advanced thing I am totally helpless...
Graphics Programming...

I have basic knowledge of Vector and 3D mathematics but I want to learn more about the graphical programming part.

When I look into this Forum I always see words that I dont even know what they mean... Alpha Channel, Mesh, Blendmode...

Where do you get all this knowledge about Graphical Programming from?
Any advice for me?
Any Books maybe I can read?

Would be glad to get some answers
Best Regards
[size="2"]Java / C# Developer
Well, in my case, I learned all of it by following tutorials and demos I found on internet. You do not need to know everything now, but instead, you should learn the things you need. This means, you should be working on something (a game), and then, questions and problems will appear, and you will need to learn something new.

For example, if you need to have some transparent objects, then you should learn about blending and alpha channels. Then, for example, after some time your game rendering is becoming too slow, so you try to learn rendering optimizations (frustum culling, octrees, and so on)

And to 'learn' about topics, well, I would recommend using the internet, normally just putting those keywords followed by 'tutorial' will give you good results. Books can also be an option, if you like (although I do not have book recomendations, maybe someone can help you with that).

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