converting to PhysX meshes

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1 comment, last by abeltherock007 13 years, 5 months ago
I am trying to convert the DX10 mesh into Phyx mesh. I am getting an error
" Unhandled exception at 0x004abb18 in DXPHYSX.exe:0xC0000005:Access Violation reading location 0x0057b270.

void Mesh::CreatePhysxActor(){	///Copy Mesh data into PhysX Mesh Data	m_PhysXVerts.clear();	m_PhysXIndices.clear();	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); i++ )	{		m_PhysXVerts.push_back(NxVec3(m_Vertices.vPosition.x, m_Vertices.vPosition.y, m_Vertices.vPosition.z));	}	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Indices.size(); i++ )	{		m_PhysXIndices.push_back(m_Indices);	}	NxVec3* _pVerts = new NxVec3[m_PhysXVerts.size()/3];	NxU16* _pTriangles = new NxU16[m_PhysXIndices.size()/3];	//Build Physical Model	NxTriangleMeshDesc _triangleDesc;	_triangleDesc.numVertices = (NxU32)(m_PhysXVerts.size()/3);	_triangleDesc.numTriangles = (NxU32)(m_PhysXIndices.size()/3);	_triangleDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3);	_triangleDesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(NxU32) * 3;	_triangleDesc.points = _pVerts;	_triangleDesc.triangles = _pTriangles;	_triangleDesc.flags = NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES;	NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc _triangleMeshShapeDesc;	NxInitCooking();	//Cooking from Memory	MemoryWriteBuffer _writeBuff;	bool bStatus = NxCookTriangleMesh(_triangleDesc, UserStream("C:\stream.bin", false));	_triangleMeshShapeDesc.meshData = PhysicsManager::GetInstance()->GetPhysicsSDKptr()->createTriangleMesh( UserStream("C:\stream.bin", true));	NxCloseCooking();		NxActorDesc _actorDesc;	_actorDesc.shapes.pushBack(&_triangleMeshShapeDesc);	_actorDesc.globalPose.t = NxVec3(m_sNodeInfo.m_sTransformation.m_vTranslation.x, m_sNodeInfo.m_sTransformation.m_vTranslation.y, m_sNodeInfo.m_sTransformation.m_vTranslation.z);	m_sNodeInfo.m_pActor = PhysicsManager::GetInstance()->GetPhysXScene()->createActor(_actorDesc);}[\source]
I see a few things that are problems. The first biggie is that when you allocate _pVerts you are allocating a too small array. You must not divide m_PhysXVerts.size() by 3! You need _pVerts to have just as many elements as m_PhysXVerts. Same exact thing with _pTriangles. You must not divide m_PhysXIndices.size() by 3 to get the size of the _pTriangles array. Then, same deal when assigning _triangleDesc.numVertices and .numTriangles. Don't divide by 3. The point and triangle stride stuff, I think that looks okay.

Next super big problem...when you assign _triangleDesc.points to be _pVerts, please note that _pVerts doesn't actually have any data in it! You have allocated arrays but you didn't actually put the vertex data into it. Your vertex data is in m_PhysXVerts, but _pVerts is just a blank array that happens to be sized based on m_PhysXverts. You need to put the data into _pVerts. Same deal with _pTriangles. As you have the code, it does not actually contain the indices, which are in m_PhysXIndices but not in _pTriangles.

My suggestion would be to skip m_PhysXVerts and m_PhysXTriangles. Unless you need them later on, just get rid of them and populate _pVerts and _pTriangles up above instead of populating m_PhysX*. (Well, perhaps you're using them for debug visualization? I don't know. You do not use them for anything here, really.)
Graham Rhodes Moderator, Math & Physics forum @
///Copy Mesh data into PhysX Mesh Data	m_PhysXVerts.clear();	m_PhysXIndices.clear();	NxVec3* _pVerts = new NxVec3[m_Vertices.size()];	NxU16* _pTriangles = new NxU16[m_Indices.size()];	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); i++ )	{		m_PhysXVerts.push_back(NxVec3(m_Vertices.vPosition.x, m_Vertices.vPosition.y, m_Vertices.vPosition.z));		_pVerts = &m_PhysXVerts;	}	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Indices.size(); i++ )	{		m_PhysXIndices.push_back(m_Indices);		_pTriangles = &m_PhysXIndices;	}		//Build Physical Model	NxTriangleMeshDesc _triangleDesc;	_triangleDesc.numVertices = (NxU32)(m_PhysXVerts.size());	_triangleDesc.numTriangles = (NxU32)(m_PhysXIndices.size());	_triangleDesc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3);	_triangleDesc.triangleStrideBytes = sizeof(NxU32) * 3;	_triangleDesc.points = _pVerts;	_triangleDesc.triangles = _pTriangles;	_triangleDesc.flags = NX_MF_16_BIT_INDICES;	NxTriangleMeshShapeDesc _triangleMeshShapeDesc;	NxInitCooking();	//Cooking from Memory	MemoryWriteBuffer _writeBuff;	bool bStatus = NxCookTriangleMesh(_triangleDesc, _writeBuff);	_triangleMeshShapeDesc.meshData = PhysicsManager::GetInstance()->GetPhysicsSDKptr()->createTriangleMesh( MemoryReadBuffer( );	NxCloseCooking();		NxActorDesc _actorDesc;	_actorDesc.shapes.pushBack(&_triangleMeshShapeDesc);	_actorDesc.globalPose.t = NxVec3(m_sNodeInfo.m_sTransformation.m_vTranslation.x, m_sNodeInfo.m_sTransformation.m_vTranslation.y, m_sNodeInfo.m_sTransformation.m_vTranslation.z);	m_sNodeInfo.m_pActor = PhysicsManager::GetInstance()->GetPhysXScene()->createActor(_actorDesc);

Thanks for the reply. The above is the modified code.. still the error i receive is
Unhandled exception at 0x0026bb18 in MultiThreaded_DX.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x003ebda0.
in the line
bool bStatus = NxCookTriangleMesh(_triangleDesc, _writeBuff);

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