[XNA] Problem with 2D Pixel Collisions

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-1 comments, last by Andy474 13 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys, quick overview of what im attempting. I have a Player sprite draw on the screen, this is rotated to follow the mouse.

I also have a collision map, which is constructed by passing an int[,] to genreate a texture using a render target. So I end up with a collision Texture.

I am trying to detect a collion with this Collision texture and seem to be going wrong. I have followed the tutorial here App hub
public bool CanMove(Player player, Camera camera, Vector2 moveDir)        {            /* Todo:             * Calulate the Rectangle of the Player             *  Move this rectangle by MoveDirection to get the Rectangle on the Collision Map we want to get             *    Check these two Rectangles for pixel Collisions             */            // Calulate the Rectangle of the Player            Matrix rotationmatrix = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(player.Rotation);            Rectangle boundingPlayer = player.GetCollisonRect();            // Move this rectangle by MoveDirection to get the Rectangle on the Collision Map we want to get            Rectangle collisionRect = new Rectangle(                boundingPlayer.X +  (int)moveDir.X,                boundingPlayer.Y +  (int)moveDir.Y,                boundingPlayer.Width,                boundingPlayer.Height);            //Get the Color Data for each of these Rectangles            Color[] playerData = new Color[player._tPlayerTexture.Width * player._tPlayerTexture.Height];            player.GetTextureData(playerData);            Color[] CollisionData = new Color[_collisionTexture.Width * _collisionTexture.Height];            CollisionData = GetPixelData(collisionRect);            //Rotate both these Rectangles            //boundingPlayer = CalculateBoundingRectangle(boundingPlayer, rotationmatrix);            //collisionRect = CalculateBoundingRectangle(collisionRect, rotationmatrix);                         // Check these two Rectangles for pixel Collisions                //Check them to see if they intersect to avoid useless calcs            if (boundingPlayer.Intersects(collisionRect))                if (IntersectPixels(boundingPlayer, playerData, collisionRect, CollisionData))                    return false;            //We say we always can move, unless we already broke out            return true;        }

The full Code File

This function supposed to decide if the Player can mvoe, however there are a few problem I am stuggling to get my head around.

1/ When I DONT rotate the Collision Rectangle
//boundingPlayer = CalculateBoundingRectangle(boundingPlayer, rotationmatrix);//collisionRect = CalculateBoundingRectangle(collisionRect, rotationmatrix); 

My player can move, but not close to the Collision wall at all and then he gets stuck and cant move

2/ If I uncomment the lines and move the rectangle (i get an array out of bounds excecption in the Intersect Pixels function

I am pretty sure i am just not approching it properly or doing simthing stupid, can anyone help me out? its been buggin me for hrs now hehe

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