[D3D10] translation matrix in HLSL

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5 comments, last by 16bit_port 13 years, 5 months ago
I'm currently sending a triangle to the geometry shader which subdivides and spits out smaller ones. That works fine, but I would also like to translate this input triangle along the z-axis and behind an object before I do the subdivision.

I originally had something like this :
cbuffer cbPerObject{    row_major float4x4 ViewProjectionMatrix;}...void Main_GS( ... ){   float4 v0 = mul( float4(input[0].Position, 1.f), ViewProjectionMatrix );   float4 v1 = mul( float4(input[1].Position, 1.f), ViewProjectionMatrix );   float4 v2 = mul( float4(input[2].Position, 1.f), ViewProjectionMatrix );   //subdivide   ...}

I've tried something like this :
void Main_GS( ... ){   float4x4 TranslateBack = { 1, 0, 0, 0,                              0, 1, 0, 0,                              0, 0, 1, 2,                              0, 0, 0, 1 };   float4x4 WVP_Matrix = TranslateBack * ViewProjectionMatrix;   float4 v0 = mul( float4(input[0].Position, 1.f), WVP_Matrix );   float4 v1 = mul( float4(input[1].Position, 1.f), WVP_Matrix );   float4 v2 = mul( float4(input[2].Position, 1.f), WVP_Matrix );   //subdivide   ...}

However it looks like I'm getting a scaling effect (it got smaller, but STILL in front of the other object). I'll post the PIX results in a bit but right now I just want to know if I'm doing something fundamentally incorrect.

Note: if I do the translation, concatenate that to the ViewProjectionMatrix in my C++ program and do it that way, it works just fine (it ends up behind the other object). However, I would like to do the translation in shader. Thanks.

[Edited by - 16bit_port on December 3, 2010 12:11:04 PM]
It looks like you're mixing row-major matrices with column-major matrices.
I tried changing it to :
   float4x4 TranslateBack = { 1, 0, 0, 0,                              0, 1, 0, 0,                              0, 0, 1, 0,                              0, 0, 2, 1 };

but the triangle doesn't even show up anymore. So I ran it through PIX and surprisingly I'm getting a homogeneous coordinate of zero!

It's supposed to look like :

I've even tried adding row_major :

row_major TranslateBack = ...


row_major New_WVP_Matrix = ...

but to no avail.
Anyone? This seems like such a trivial thing...
You mentioned having done the translation on the CPU side and that it worked out fine. Can you post the entire matrix WVP that you used when it worked?

Are you using XNA math? By default those matrices are row_major when uploaded.

Also, it looks like you are doing the translation after applying the projection matrix which would end up with wrong z values as they won't falling between [0,1]. The matrix you have had a translation of 2 along the z-axis which is probably the causes the behavior you're seeing. Did you mean to do the translation before applying the projection matrix but after applying the view matrix?
I think that you should declare:
// Global variable
matrix WVPMatrix;

main(vector position : POSITION){//the position of the triangle (not multiplied,just a input)

vector finalpos= mul(position, WVPMatrix);
return finalpos;
that's what I've learned,and also you should set the WVPMatrix in your main program.
I changed the code in my original post to reflect what I really meant (changed cbPerObject::WVP_Matrix to cbPerObject::ViewProjectionMatrix). What I wanted to do was create a world/translation matrix and concatenate that to the ViewProjectionMatrix from the CPU side and get the WorldViewProjection matrix.

Anyway, I figured out what the problem was.
You can't do matrix concatenation with the * operator. You have to use the intrinsic function mul().

void Main_GS( ... ){   float4x4 TranslateBack = { 1, 0, 0, 0,                              0, 1, 0, 0,                              0, 0, 1, 0,                              0, 0, 2, 1 };   float4x4 WVP_Matrix = mul(TranslateBack, ViewProjectionMatrix);   float4 v0 = mul( float4(input[0].Position, 1.f), WVP_Matrix );   float4 v1 = mul( float4(input[1].Position, 1.f), WVP_Matrix );   float4 v2 = mul( float4(input[2].Position, 1.f), WVP_Matrix );   //subdivide   ...}

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