Isometrixk's Java Projects w/ Pictures!

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-1 comments, last by isometrixk 13 years, 5 months ago
For my first post on this particular thread, I am introducing my first Java game: Block'em! It is a Tetris clone, and I figured it would be good practice to get my feet wet into game programming. I have been working on this game part-time, and it is coming along great!

I am approximately on Week 3 of developement including drawing all the graphics.
Week 1: Learning the basic of Swing components, Awt graphics, and double buffering.
Week 2: Graphic artwork, completed the basic Block'em engine. Tweeking animations.
Week 3: Tweeking code, making the engine more efficient. Developing loading screens, creating .wav files, importing sounds, custom font, etc.

There are more weeks to come, but check out the work thus far, (actual game shots)
A row being deleted:

Temporary Game Over screen:

My logo: (website not up yet)

Thanks for stopping by!

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