Linux use and development, finally...

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126 comments, last by Dmytry 13 years, 3 months ago
I'm a fan of Linux, to tell the truth. But real life is causing me to focus on Windows.

Anyway, finally the time has come for me to embrace it, and use it. As a start I will learn Ubuntu 64 bit on VirtuaBox. I yet to test this, but AFAIK, if my win os is 64 bit, cpu is 64 bit, than I can run ubuntu 64 bit on virtual box.

The reason is pretty simple, render farm.

Anyway, what is the Visual Studio equvalent on Linux, specially Ubuntu.

it has to be FREE.
it has to be easy to use (no dependency hell)
open source would be fine, not a requirement though.

I personally plan to use PureBasic, which capable of running and compiling on Linux to develop my small & simple tools. Still, I want to know other people opinion on it.
Qt Creator is the best IDE I know under Linux. It has even replaced Visual Studio for me under Windows. Other alternatives are Netbeans and Eclipse. But, many Linux developers prefer text editors like gVim or Emacs.
Last I checked, there wasn't. Eclipse is good enough for Java stuff, but otherwise there isn't much in the way of IDEs.

I personally prefer Emacs together with a Quake console-style dropdown terminal with a few tabs, and anything aspiring to replace that had better be as least as flexible while providing substantial benefits (refactorization support, perhaps.)
vim or emacs with a terminal is what most linux developers use.
Quote:Original post by ibebrett
vim or emacs with a terminal is what most linux developers use.

While vim and emacs are in wide use, I doubt that most linux developers use it, in other words: [citation needed].

Personally, I use QtCreator or Scite+Bash for trivial things. But it is definitely worth to try out other ones, too. Choose what fits best your needs and workflow.
fair enough. but in my experience as a linux web programmer (not games), i will say i have never seen anyone use an IDE.
It seems to me that it's never the "year of the linux on the desktop", because there are dozens of popular distros around and even hundred in general. All of them amounting to a small piece of the pie. And yes, they all have a more-or-less common kernel(which *is* the linux), but especially for non-programmers, what difference does that make? I can't have, for instance, GNome installed and expect me to easily communicate with another lay person that has,say, Ubuntu. I don't really see why Torvalds insists on just taking up the role of organizing the open source projects and doesn't release his own distro with his own brand-name and be done with it.

And at some point linux fanbois must accept that not everything can be open-sourced. Like cutting-edge 3D drivers for instance. Other than that, Torvalds has gotten much flak here(me included) for being "unprofessional", as if professional managers and programmers talk like 8th century trovadures in their site of work :P
If you do a lot of C++, get Code::Blocks. I use Visual Studio during the day at work on Windows, and Codeblocks on Linux at home.
Vim is the best!
I use vim for my day job, but for fun programming, I use Eclipse, which I actually prefer to Visual Studio - though I haven't used VS since the 2005 version.

One nice thing about developing with Eclipse on Linux is that you can install the IDE with any plugins, and any libraries you want through the package manager and not have to worry about adding headers and libs to your path or anything like that.

Also Eclipse has tons of plugins for anything you could want. It supports many different source control systems, many different languages, and I even write papers in Eclipse with the LaTeX plugin. It also has a valgrind plugin which I don't think VS has.

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