How to measure network load?

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2 comments, last by Drew_Benton 13 years, 3 months ago
In a client/server game, how do i measure network load /traffic? I want to be able to monitor how much i send and how much i could send. A bit like how fps can roughly measure overall CPU/graphics card load/everything.

Would ping plummet if i get close to what the network can handle or is there any other way to simply monitor if you made something inefficient (or test how many units you can at the same time in the network and still run smooth over the network).

Thanks a lot (i use raknet, c++, windows, if that matters)

In a client/server game, how do i measure network load /traffic? I want to be able to monitor how much i send and how much i could send. A bit like how fps can roughly measure overall CPU/graphics card load/everything.

Ping is generally discarded before other data by a router. However, it is still very binary -- it will start getting dropped when you're really close to catastrophically full utilization.

Most operating systems have counters for network interfaces. On Windows, you read this through WMI, and on Linux, you read it through "ifconfig" or /proc/sys/net. You can write a program that measures utilization on the interface over time, and compares it to a pre-determined maximum value.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
That seems a bit hard for me right now. Anyone who knows if raknet has something built-in for this?

Thanks for all your help

That seems a bit hard for me right now. Anyone who knows if raknet has something built-in for this?

Check out the following page: Statistics. In addition, you will also want to have a good look through the LoopbackPerformanceTest sample included with the SDK.

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