PROGRAmming Help

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6 comments, last by Gamer Gamester 13 years, 2 months ago

I am new to games programming. I have a good knowledge on C++, with which I am confident enough to program certain/given logics.
Currently I am trying to program using DirectX using VC++. I find myself in a desert with job to do. Being totally new to Windows Programming
I would like to seek guidance from the experts.

I have to admit that Pointer is an ocean where I am weak. SO far my plan is to get the knowledge of windows programming through VC++
and then jump into DirectX SDK.

Kindly provide me with info/links/tutorials to enlighten me.
I would like to thank you in advance.

Thank you,


Good luck.


I am new to games programming. I have a good knowledge on C++, with which I am confident enough to program certain/given logics.
Currently I am trying to program using DirectX using VC++. I find myself in a desert with job to do. Being totally new to Windows Programming
I would like to seek guidance from the experts.

I have to admit that Pointer is an ocean where I am weak. SO far my plan is to get the knowledge of windows programming through VC++
and then jump into DirectX SDK.

Kindly provide me with info/links/tutorials to enlighten me.
I would like to thank you in advance.

Thank you,


You may want to consider OpenGL and SDL if you want to be able to offer your games to Windows, Linux, and Mac users. If you do use DirectX and then later decide to switch to SDL and OpenGL you will have to completely relearn graphics programming.

If you do take this route this site is really nice:
it covers all the way from setting up the library to graphics, sound, input, and Graphics card support.

I am unable to offer DirectX help as I am on Ubuntu linux.
Most of the world would actually be using OpenGL right now if it wasn't for Microsoft's "no more openGL" campaign, and the directXbox.

Not trying to force you to change just providing facts.

Good luck!
If this post was helpful please +1 or like it !

Pointers will bite you if you don't understand them.
I recommend that beginners use a language other than C++
(Python perhaps?).
DrunkMonkey25 user_popup.png thank you very much for the 2 links.

@coderWalker well thank you for your suggestion, but I am typically much into directx. But I would see into that for sure.

@Gamer Gamester pointers - oh yeah. i hate them. how about c# than python? do you reco that lang for game dev?

and you guys are great. thk u. :)
You may want to consider OpenGL and SDL if you want to be able to offer your games to Windows, Linux, and Mac users. If you do use DirectX and then later decide to switch to SDL and OpenGL you will have to completely relearn graphics programming.

That's not true at all. Core concepts of graphics programming (matrices, vectors, basic shader concepts, VBOs, etc) will transfer very easily between the two APIs, and modern OpenGL and D3D are more alike than different. I'd actually recommend that the OP eventually aim to learn both, as each has a subtly different persepctive and having knowledge of both will enrich your experience.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

Most of the world would actually be using OpenGL right now if it wasn't for Microsoft's "no more openGL" campaign, and the directXbox.

I think the ARB doing pretty much nothing for several years turning OpenGL2 into a fragmented mess of vendor specific extensions played a big part there, can't really blame Microsoft for scoring on an open goal. (The Khronos Group has done a great job with OpenGL3 and OpenGL4 though)
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
I have yet to use C#, but based on what I've heard from my friends that work with it, it sounds like a good choice.
C++ takes years to get fully up and running with, and even then will suck up far more development time than Python or C# or others.
You'll get results much faster with something other than C++, while still learning and developing skills that can be transferred to C++
(if you ever have a compelling need to do so -- most projects just don't require C++ -- it inflates the development time with no real benefit).

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