Untitled - Procedural world game

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40 comments, last by Kaptein 12 years, 5 months ago
Should you require a sound designer / music composer please view my website which has examples of my musical work.
Trained in composition and sound engineering

email: nicksoole@gmail.com
skype: nicksoole
Maybe it's just me... but I'm not digging the look of the game. Minecraft works because it keeps everything simple and blocky. But it seems you want the blocky levels but you're adding this realistic lighting and effects... which looks totally out of place. I think the mountains being covered in darkness doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Stuff is getting totally lost in shadows, in broad daylight, and that shouldn't be the case.

If you could pixelate your shadows and give them more of a dark purple/blue color and also lighten them up a bit, I think they might look great. But right now it just looks like blocks being lit by photo-real lighting and it is just inconsistent to me.

Same thing goes for the sky.. Clouds are all anti-aliased but the world is blocky... Just doesn't fit. But again, this is just my opinion...

Good luck with your game. :)
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[quote name='greentiger' timestamp='1311976869' post='4842321']
The screenshots look very nice and the eye candy is very good-- but I think Minecraft is a fad and does not seem "deep" to me.
More engaging activities are going to be needed to make it a "game" vs. a virtualized LEGO box.
By "better" do you mean there are going to be new game play modes? You could make it like a TRIBES game (CTF over vast terrains--and one class a builder class).
However, it seems to me engines like this would probably garner more attention as SDKs for RPGs of all kinds: adventure games, MMO engines, and TBS.

truth be told, it will be nothing like minecraft... the main post is most likely outdated since i made it quite a while ago
but id like it to be vague still, and try to avoid answering questions that will reveal what we are in truth making here
lets just say we are aiming big (scope-wise), and it won't really be minecraft as you know it

im a huge fan of how you can make what you want in minecraft, but when im done with my project, that creativity is still there, its just not easily obtained
given the nature of computers today, and this project, its just a fact that players will have to fight for the right to settle anywhere
i hope that helps

edit: if you hadnt written TRIBES, i probably never would have said this...
but god i miss tribes... tribes 2 just showed me what can truly be done on an epic scale
jetpacks, laser guns, exo-skeletons that signify classes (with their inherent abilities).. its all going to be there, eventually
this has been the plan for a while now, and it looks like its going to be possible to do, but actions speak louder than words.. i wish i could be more certain
its above all else, going to take a load of time... :)
there are just so many things that need to be worked out and in-place before all the fun stuff

I would still love to see this kind of thing for an MMO (especially a build-your-own-MMO kit).
You'd have players with game-defined classes and abilities and "DMs" to build stuff.
I think it'd be cool as a player to see DMs build new scenarios.
You're clearing ripping off Minecraft and it's coming off as pathetic. There is literally nothing unique, inspired, or original about what you've showcased so far, and what's worse is the fact that in light of this complete lack of creativity, you've simply stated that you won't respond to your critics.

Seriously. I hope this project falls into a pit of creepers and never sees the light of day. I can already see your design team chats: "Minecraft made a lot of money. Lets rip it off wholesale."

Anyone who joins this project is a hack. At least the people who made Terraria attempted to do something different.

And that is my feedback.
Work hard. Become something.
Meh, you can't really say it's a ripoff of minecraft as the OP didn't really go in to specific gameplay aspects. The only things the OP has in the game's description that minecraft brought to the block building "genre" that the OP has in his game is crafting and unique terrain generation. There were games before that like infiniminer with blockbuilding, mining, and exploring to some degree.

You're clearing ripping off Minecraft and it's coming off as pathetic. There is literally nothing unique, inspired, or original about what you've showcased so far, and what's worse is the fact that in light of this complete lack of creativity, you've simply stated that you won't respond to your critics.

Seriously. I hope this project falls into a pit of creepers and never sees the light of day. I can already see your design team chats: "Minecraft made a lot of money. Lets rip it off wholesale."

Anyone who joins this project is a hack. At least the people who made Terraria attempted to do something different.

And that is my feedback.

Yeah, because as we all know Minecraft didn't shamelessly rip off any game at all...*cough* infiniminer *cough*

Get over it, people. If due to Minecraft's success we have a new subgenre-building game- it's allright. Geez.


i have no idea how to respond to this, other than, why did you even press post?

i suppose i could use this moment so say, the project is still very much alive =)
thanks for all the interest so far

there's been a whole lot of fixing, and i foresee alot of rewriting as well... streamlining stuff, i guess
right now we are implementing multiplayer =)
I like the sound of this project, every thing about it really.

Is the programming posting still available? I'm not sure if I fit criteria, I am not expert on noise but I am familiar with all the terms you mentioned.
I do not have an extensive collection of projects to demonstrate my ability, however luckily the last thing I demoed was a procedural galaxy, see;
Cloudy bit is perlin.

if you care more detail on myself is on this very category; http://www.gamedev.net/topic/610949-programmer-looking-for-project/

On a side note, have you considered the marching cubes algorythm? which if you are unaware would make your world smooth instead of voxely. I don't know maybe you like the whole voxel thing, just you seem to be going a more realistc look than say minecraft.
Actually, besides the backend difference, there is an enormous difference between Minecraft and FBcraft. The name, and a quick search, should give it away. Kaptein doesn't want to say it, so I won't...

I like the sound of this project, every thing about it really.

Is the programming posting still available? I'm not sure if I fit criteria, I am not expert on noise but I am familiar with all the terms you mentioned.
I do not have an extensive collection of projects to demonstrate my ability, however luckily the last thing I demoed was a procedural galaxy, see;
Cloudy bit is perlin.

if you care more detail on myself is on this very category; http://www.gamedev.n...ng-for-project/

On a side note, have you considered the marching cubes algorythm? which if you are unaware would make your world smooth instead of voxely. I don't know maybe you like the whole voxel thing, just you seem to be going a more realistc look than say minecraft.

sadly i havent really come across "marching cubes" but i have indeed heard of it
maybe ill check it out

its never too late to change how cubes are stored, i guess, even if it means some major rewriting

btw. this project has had ALOT of people wanting to join, only to realize the scope and length, and then proceed the "fade out"
i guess its the nature of such an endeavour, but its also getting old and its also very disrespectful to us who work so hard to make this happen.
and yes, i guess a generator-guy post is still open, though since not everything can be generated, and since the world just simply has to be static (but also very large)
the world is going to have to be modeled, if only to reduce traffic between nodes, clients etc.

but, generators also create some pretty unbelievable stuff with the right layering, so if you are willing to put a respectable amount of effort into that aspect, then yes you will be very welcome
the initial outline of the world should be shaped by a generator, and then tweaked on by editors
considering this, the generator doesnt have to be optimized and watered down as it used to be, which makes room for some very interesting stuff :)
right now, it still is being depended on 100%, which means one could start right off the bat generating new and interesting enviroments

i'd also like to add:
the world is going to be divided into nodes ala EVE online, and that system is already in prototype stage. wether or not 1 continent per node is never going to be set in stone
the multiplayer is just begun upon by me, but im struggling with some bugs, which after that is fixed ill have to go over every line of code (30k lines!) in the engine itself
just to make sure it's not stupid code, streamline it, rewrite stuff, sort stuff into files (i have stupidly long code files!) and after all that ill implement the multiplayer part more seriously
another aspect that seriously lacking is models, animation and all that.. but the renderer is very hard on my laptop as it is, so hopefully i can figure out something to make it faster

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