Galaxy Online - The Tournament (Beta launch 11/11/11!)

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12 comments, last by Lord Devil 12 years, 6 months ago
Hello everyone :)

Well finally my own project is nearing more and more completion and I am starting with an internal alpha soon. So I wanted to announce my blog where I try to keep the community informed about the progress and info's of my upcoming Online Game: Galaxy Online - The Tournament.

If anyone is bored, feel free to check out: or (there you can find a little FAQ too) !

Otherwise there is not much information as of yet, but I will add more in the coming weeks. Hope you like it.

Kind regards,

UPDATED November 9, 2011
Client download available now.

UPDATED October 18, 2011
Beta launch announced: 11/11/11

UPDATED September 1, 2011
Added Galaxy Online - The Tournament - Trailer

UPDATED July 15, 2011

Website and registration opened!

UPDATED July 5, 2011
Added first Screenshots



Since my last announcement, the FAQ has been updated and I have added some more game art:

Kind regards,
And here is another update :)

I have finally added the very first screenshots to my blog. As always, you can find them at ! The FAQ and development status have been updated too!

Take care,
I'm forced to download the images when I click them. I'd much rather watch them in a new browser tab. Looks cool though :)
"Rodimus and Unity" - My developer journal

I'm forced to download the images when I click them. I'd much rather watch them in a new browser tab. Looks cool though :)

Oh it opens in a new window on IE9, but it seems to be an issue with Chrome. Thanks for the info I have fixed it now, but glad you liked it :)

Kind regards,
Another Blog Update: Little ?2D Laser/Missile Animation Tech Demo available at:

And more: First screenshot of TCR (Tactical Combat Replay) window now available at my blog.

From bits and bytes to visualization - !

Hope you like it, kind regards,
Your ships look good. The torpedo sucks. And why don't you make it more realistic. Like conveying larger distances or making the scale of the lasers and torpedoes small in comparison to the ships. Shouldn't the ship on the right in TCR be several times smaller than the ship on the left? Maybe could research all the weapon types in Star Wars, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica and build up and advanced ship customization system.

EDIT: The economic system sounds interesting.

Your ships look good. The torpedo sucks. And why don't you make it more realistic. Like conveying larger distances or making the scale of the lasers and torpedoes small in comparison to the ships. Shouldn't the ship on the right in TCR be several times smaller than the ship on the left? Maybe could research all the weapon types in Star Wars, Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica and build up and advanced ship customization system.

EDIT: The economic system sounds interesting.

Thanks. Well to be true there are many things I would like to improve over time. But since this is a one man project I had to start at some point. Better you finish something you can achieve, rather than trying something too complex and getting stuck somewhere and thus never finish. My program code is very clean and easy to maintain so it shouldn't be too hard building up on it.

Especially laser/torpedo/ship scales (depending on size, strength etc.) is something I will tweak up for sure, so thanks for sharing your ideas. However the ships you see in the SS are about the same size.

Regarding science-fiction related technology... I for one think it’s not necessary to focus on special technology from Star Wars, Star Trek etc..! The game is science-fiction, so it’s basically up to me to decide what is possible and what not. I for one think that the current ship customization system is good for its purpose. It’s easy to understand but still very flexible, especially since you can mix up whatever you want as long as you stay within your power/units limit. Also since you can upgrade nearly every attribute of every component makes it even more fun to create something unique. The game is about experiencing different types of starship configurations and strategies while keeping it fun and simple... making it too complex would unnecessarily blow up balancing/server side combat calculations/replays and so on. Always remember you don’t interact during combat, so it’s not nearly as important to calculate with high complexity as it would be in a space flight simulator.
And its finally done. After some more sleepless nights the Galaxy Online - The Tournament website goes online. Hope you like it. If you want to support this project, please help me spread the word. Be the first to register your free galaxy online account to secure your spot in the upcoming Beta :)


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