c# instantiating abstract class in an abstract class

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-1 comments, last by Rich Brighton 13 years ago
I've got an abstract base class Hex and and I'm instantiating an array of Hex in an abstract base class Scenario. In the derived class ScenarioC I instantiate an array of HexC. HexC is derived from Hex

namespace RichStrat
public abstract class Hex
public List<long> unitIds;

namespace RichStrat
public class HexC: Hex
public Terr terr;

public HexC()
terr = Terr.Plain;
unitIds = new List<long> { };

namespace RichStrat
public abstract class Scenario
public long xDim;
public long yDim;
public DateTime currGameTime;
public Hex[,] hexs;
public List<Unit> units;

namespace RichStrat
public class ScenarioC: Scenario //The Core Database for the game scenario. Theoretically multiple secenarios can be loaded into memory at the same time
public HexC[,] hexs; /But when I comment this line out it still compiles
public ScenarioU[] userView; // A database for every user and AI entity

public ScenarioC(TestScenario t)
xDim = 4;
yDim = 5;
hexs = new HexC[xDim, yDim];
for (long x = 0; x < xDim; x++)
for (long y = 0; y < yDim; y++)
hexs[x, y] = new HexC();
units = new List<Unit> () {};
units.Add(new Unit(this, units.Count, 3,3));

public void InitUserData()



But when I comment out the line:

public: HexC[,] hexs; // It still compiles.

Haven't I just instantiated an abstract class?

Edit: Ah silly me! I've just realised that I'm not instantiating any Hex only an array of Hex.Should I be using an interface instead here to force the derived Classes of scenario to implement a Hex derived Class?

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